
Fill Your Boots

Fill Your Boots

What a rich day at Yoga Australia’s Unity in Diversity 2012 conference in Manly. Almost 200 delegates, and an amazing kickoff by Mary Keizer, Desikachar teacher of more than 30 years.
Mary spoke about the simple of unfolding of wisdom within each person that occurs when we are aware of the influence of mind and can bring it to stillness. […]

Everyone's Gift

Everyone's Gift

Here we are in Hobart in the cold, humid, grey of autumn mainly to see the extraordinary gift of a gallery that David Walsh has made to the Australian people, that is, MONA.
The Museum of Old and New Art is the largest privately funded museum in this country and displays antiquities, modern and contemporary art. […]

A Whole Lot of Bloggin' Going On

A Whole Lot of Bloggin' Going On

Over five years ago, a friend said, “You should write a blog about what you are creating as your vision”, i.e. living in community. I took her advice.
Not knowing the first thing about creating a blog, about what content to put on it, or even what the heck I was doing it for, nevertheless I carried on…and on. “Yoga Suits Her and “The Ville” blogs probably comprise nearly 1,000 posts by now.
I used to be so shy about revealing myself that most of my early posts displayed only photos. […]

Celebrating Family

Celebrating Family

Okay, I did say the other day that I’m a tribal person. You can see that for yourself when you look at my living situation (described on the Shedders page): three couples under one roof who are not related by blood, only by friendship.
We have an amazing house design that lets us all share communal space – kitchen, dining, lounge and decks. […]

Yoga and Garlic

Yoga and Garlic

I’m a tribal person. I like hanging out with people, and I love doing activities with them.
Stella, our neighbour who grows biodynamic garlic, dislocated and broke her wrist last week, just before the crucial planting time. She and her husband put out a call for help, and Heather and I signed on for the prepatory stage of separating the cloves from the bulbs.
The three hours of peeling that we did this afternoon went so fast. We just turned into machines, and got more efficient and quicker as we went along. […]

Hard & Soft Yoga

Hard & Soft Yoga


Today I visited and participated in a Satyananda style class led by the director of Yoga Directions in Taree, Peppa.  The dreads-coifed Peppa is something of a local household word – that is, if the conversations in your home run to yoga.
The 15 or so attendees in this morning’s session were all females, ranging in age from upper 20’s to upper 60’s. […]

This Moment

This Moment

My housemates have gone off to our community choir practice. I opted to stay home. I’m tired and didn’t think I could generate upbeat energy this evening, despite the general cheeriness of the group.
I thought I’d listen to a new download of an MSIA meditation practice and that might help me rebound. Instead I was seduced by the sunset occurring as I write, so I’m sitting on our deck with my iPad and a drink. I’m telling myself this is just a different sort of spiritual activity. […]

YogaAnywhere feedback

YogaAnywhere feedback

I wanted to share a couple of items relating to our YogaAnywhere practice cards.
First off, here’s a testimonial from a happy customer/practitioner:
Dear Eve
I just wanted to let you know I have received your YogaAnywhere cards and have been using the Managing Back Pain consistently over the last week with some real benefit. Thank you. […]

Negative Fantasies

The first time I came across the term “negative fantasy” was in the workshops produced by the Human Awareness Institute. Over the last two days I have gone in and out of my own negative fantasies which had the effect of making me feel about as low as I have in a long time. Until I had a chance to talk about what was going on in my head, I was accepting the fantasies as being true pictures of reality – albeit highly emotionally charged ones. […]

Plying the Yama and Niyama

Plying the Yama and Niyama

A renowned yoga teacher has been in trouble recently. I’ve been following the story through tweets, FB offerings, and web logs. These are not necessarily dependable sources but they have spoken of big ructions in the yoga world. Whether or not the allegations prove true, it is true that we all veer off the straight-and-narrow at times. Being in touch with our own frailties is one way we can cultivate compassion for our humanity and that of others. […]

The Things That Make a Difference

The Things That Make a Difference

Repetition can be so tedious for a person like me who gets bored easily and likes to keep moving to the next exciting thing.
Fortunately for me, more than 40 years ago, I got on to yoga, or maybe it grabbed onto me, and we’ve been together through thick and thin ever since.
Things that one does over and over, practices kept up for a long time, and relationships lovingly fostered have an lasting effect on one’s character.
Think of all the music lessons that cultivate concert performers, spiritual disciplines that lead to bliss states, good parenting that creates good […]

Important Yoga Practice No. 1: Have You Said I Love You Today?

Important Yoga Practice No. 1: Have You Said I Love You Today?

I’ve been hesitant to post tonight because I’m feeling sad and reflective. It’s much easier for me to communicate cheery thoughts and inspiring information than reveal a melancholy heart. I guess that’s true for most of us. This morning we received a phone call from our neighbour saying that her husband passed away just five days ago. We were meant to have drinks with them on Christmas Day, but she had cancelled the day before without any excuse. […]

Yoga Fellowship

Yoga Fellowship

After spending yesterday evening and part of today with my yoga friend Nick, I was reminded of what a blessing our yoga friendships are.
As a yoga teacher or student, you may have had the experience of meeting extraordinary people through the vehicle of yoga. Many of my best friends are people I’ve met through yoga. […]



The more resilient we are in ourselves, the easier it is to take feedback.
When I was first teaching (1980), I lacked confidence and instead of being humble about that, I adopted an air of bravado and carried on. I didn’t really ever solicit feedback about my teaching because I feared I might be told something negative.
In retrospect, I think I could have grown more quickly in my teaching skills had I not been afraid of criticism. […]

Soul Food

Soul Food

The Divine Feminine Conference November 26 & 27 was a source of joy to me and, I would say, to many of the women in attendance.
The first presentation on the first day was a slow simmer even though Diane Riley was speaking passionately about her area of expertise – Tantra. […]

"My Life is My Message"

"My Life is My Message"

I’ve never read a biography about Mahatma Gandhi, nor any of his many published works, so I’m hoping that the above quote is really accredited to him. Wrongful attribution is a problem these days, as evidenced by this message we often see on bumper stickers and gift shop coffee mugs:
Be the change you want to see in the world.
That expression, usually associated with the great man, is probably a paraphrase of words paraphrased in an interview with Gandhi’s son years ago.*
I digress though. […]

To Plan or Not to Plan

To Plan or Not to Plan

One of the age-old question about doing yoga practice is whether you should have a program that you strictly follow or should you just wing it and follow where your intuition leads you.
I was thinking about this very thing in my early morning practice. The advantage of following along a set sequence is that you don’t have to think too long and deeply about what will ensue. […]

An Anniversary of a Vision Fulfilled

An Anniversary of a Vision Fulfilled

It’s been two years this week since we moved to Mitchell’s Island from Sydney.
More than the typical sea/tree change, we three couples were realised a six-year plan of buying a property, building a house on it and living together.
It’s worked better than I could have ever imagined:
*We’ve been accepted into the local community.
*Living in Nature is all it’s cracked to be.
*We’re growing our own vegetables!
*I teach in the Yoga Shed on our property, and I just roll out bed in the morning to do my yoga practice there.
*My housemates are a delight to […]

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