Classes by Anatomy
Although we know that yoga offers more than simply working with parts of your body, an anatomy focus helps you focus. Besides bring you into the moment, paying attention to your body can help create more connections and understanding. Ultimately there can be more integration of the parts and better relationship with body and mind.
Feet, Legs and Hips. Part 1: Feet, Firm and Flexible
This 75-minute class offers a lovely routine for creating flexibility and strength in one of the most important parts of our anatomy. Feet are foundational to much of what we do: walking, standing, doing sports and, of course, yoga. Feel your feet come alive with these exercises and postures.
Toes, Feet and Ankles: Improve flexibility and strength
To be able to move with ease and grace takes having pliable and strong foot joints. This video program offers a great warm-up of toes, feet and ankles that leads you into a standing pose practice.
Taking care of your feet is important at any age, but especially for older people as it supports good balance and a smooth gait.
On The Road: Foot Therapy for Travellers
This short video demonstrates how you can recover from all the walking you end up doing when you're a tourist wanting to get the most out of your travels.
All it takes, and all in the spirit of being kind to your feet, is some gentle exercise and self-massage to release stiffness and aches. You might want to follow this five-minute routine with legs up the wall pose to enhance your recovery. As a friend says, it's better than a late-afternoon expresso for reviving and refreshing.
Feet, Legs and Hips. Part 2: Activating the Arches
How you use the inner and outer feet affects the rotation of your legs, the health of your knees and ultimately your spine and your whole body.
In this 75-minute class we will mindfully practice lifting the arches of the feet in several key standing poses, building from the ground up.
Feet, Legs and Hips. Part 3: Connecting the Foundations with the Upper Body.
An often quoted expression from a famous yoga teacher says, 'A Yogi's brain extends from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head.'
What does this mean? That the feet are foundational to being able to integrate all parts of the body.
The theme of this 75-min. class emphasises connecting the feet, legs and hips with the upper body, especially the back. This integrative approach fosters a satisfying sense of stability in the body and mind as well.
Feet, Legs and Hips Part 4: On Your Toes
In yoga, it works well to build our poses from the ground up, creating strong, stable foundations. To that end, we want our toes to be mobile and sturdy. In this 75-minute session, we do both strengthening and flexibility exercises. Then once we're warmed up, dive into standing poses: Wide-leg forward bend, Warriors 1 & 2, Big toe pose and more.
Taking care of your feet, toes and ankles is an investment in healthy feet, posture and good balance.
Kindness for Your Feet: Standing Pose Practice II with long relaxation
This is a session that promotes mobility and strength from the ground up, from your feet to your head.
Our feet are our most humble servants, and for the most part do a beautiful and faithful job of helping us stand on our own two feet. They are deserving of special attention at times, and never more so than in the sort of yoga practice of the standing poses that is offered here.
Balance: Focus on Feet
Think about it. Our feet are, for the most part, our faithful servants. They take us where we want to go, whether for recreation or work. Sometimes our feet have to endure long hours of standing and are even often enclosed in uncomfortable footwear.
So here's a yoga session designed for foot self-care--within the context of balancing poses, for an extra challenge.
Take a little time to look after your feet so they can better look after you!
Healthy Ankles and Feet
I think of the ankles as being the mediators between the foot, shin and knee bone. A mediator is someone or something that reconciles differences between the two parties.
In such a position, the ankle needs to be strong, yet flexible and well-aligned with the other bones.
Many people, including myself, have had injuries to this important joint in the form of sprains or bad strains. So, it is helpful and potentially healing to take good care of our feet and ankles through the practice of yoga.
Here is a 75 minute all-round class but one that pays particular attention to ankles and feet.
Get Grounded HD 720p
Life seems to generally go better when we can feel our two feet on the ground rather than being caught up with the oftentimes jumpiness of our minds. Recent news headlines, broadcasts and social media posts have made me feel like I've been being shouted at, and sometimes with conflicting messages. The physical practice of yoga gives us a pathway to be in our bodies, rather than in our heads.
So, in this practice, we take care of our feet and strengthen hips and legs with balancing and standing poses.
This program begins with the pleasant vibrational sensations of bhramari breathing and finishes with the calming and centreing of savasana.
Yoga for Tight Hips
Here is a series of practices for your hips. Rather than emphasising ''opening your hips'', these exercises help you work with tightness and asymmetry between right and left sides.A good approach to this practice is to explore your anatomy with curiosity and interest. In this way, your practice will be unforced and enjoyable.If you would like to make a donation to my continuing to create videos and recordings, please visit https://eveyoga/donation/.
Feet, Legs and Hips. Part 1: Feet, Firm and Flexible
This 75-minute class offers a lovely routine for creating flexibility and strength in one of the most important parts of our anatomy. Feet are foundational to much of what we do: walking, standing, doing sports and, of course, yoga. Feel your feet come alive with these exercises and postures.
Feet, Legs and Hips. Part 2: Activating the Arches
How you use the inner and outer feet affects the rotation of your legs, the health of your knees and ultimately your spine and your whole body.
In this 75-minute class we will mindfully practice lifting the arches of the feet in several key standing poses, building from the ground up.
Feet, Legs and Hips. Part 3: Connecting the Foundations with the Upper Body.
An often quoted expression from a famous yoga teacher says, 'A Yogi's brain extends from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head.'
What does this mean? That the feet are foundational to being able to integrate all parts of the body.
The theme of this 75-min. class emphasises connecting the feet, legs and hips with the upper body, especially the back. This integrative approach fosters a satisfying sense of stability in the body and mind as well.
Prevent Falls: Strong & Supple Legs & Hips
Older individuals especially have to work to stay strong and flexible, else there's a gradual erosion of strength that can lead to loss of balance and falls.
Here is a 75-minute class that gives a good workout, combining muscle strengthening with releasing, and relaxation.
Prevent Falls: Building Strength and Balance
Work and tone your body in this class with these strengthening yoga poses: Bridge variations, Chair Pose, Warrior I Pose, Extended Side Angle, and more, finishing with relaxation.
Flank Pose: Hamstring Flexion & Hip Extension
One of the definitions of the word 'flank' is: 'the side of the body between the ribs and the hipbones'. This is apt because if we visualise doing the pose while keeping the space between lower ribs and hip crests, we create a light and lithe version of flank.
In this session, we work into the pose safely and progressively over several variations of this important pose.
Hip & Shoulder Stiffness
Sometimes we put up with stiffness, joint aches and continuous discomfort in our bodies, accepting the status quo because we are too busy or simply don't know how to deal with these complaints.
Here is a simple, short practice that you can use to address stiffness, especially in the upper back, shoulders and hips. Give it a go several times a week, over several weeks, and along the way you may find you can raise the number of repetitions in each exercise.
Legs up the wall - Viparita Karani
Viparita Karani, also known as Legs Up the Wall, is a favourite among many yoga practitioners because it is so soothing that you will come out of it refreshed. Using a bolster under the hips makes the pose more accessible and restful. Some of the organs of the body that benefit from doing Viparita Karani regularly are: heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach and spleen. If you want to make the pose more of an inversion, you can add folded blankets to the bolster to give more height.
Back Care: Connecting Arms, Shoulders & Upper Back
General aches and pains anywhere along the spinal column can come from poor posture, sitting or standing for long periods or simply from staring at our devices over time.
This class 75-minute is a good antidote for stiffness or weakness and gets the upper back moving by connecting with the arms, shoulders and shoulder blades in a simple way.
Back Care: Upper Back Relief
Keeping your upper back mobile and strong is a way of looking after the whole of your spine.
In this 75-minute class, you will have a chance to create more back flexibility and access better posture and breathing through the sequence of movements and postures.
Back Care with Brahmari Humming Breath
Is it unusual to link humming breathing with back care? No, of course not! This is yoga, after all.
It's all about being aware of and sensitive to the movement of energy through the body. And sound helps us do that.
This 75-minute class will help you awaken and strengthen the core in through a simple and focussed practice. It incorporates postures, movement and relaxation.
Healthy and Whole: Yoga Twists for Core Strength
This 75 minute class emphasises one of the benefits of doing twists in yoga poses--strengthening core muscles as you rotate the spine. I describe the twisting movement as wringing out the muscles of the abdominal area, but also the diaphragm and the underlying internal organs. When the twist is released, there's a surge of new fresh circulation--something like squeezing a tea towel, rinsing and cleansing internally. This sequence presents lying down, seated and standing poses, so no part of the body is neglected.
On The Road: Post Flight Back Extension
It's not always convenient to get to a yoga class, but it's generally possible to do a little 'first aid yoga', even when you're travelling long distances.
Here's one way to alleviate the after-effects of plane, train or car travel--basically a great stretch for neck, shoulders and back.
For Your Bones: A Yoga Visualisation for the Health of Your Bones
This visualisation gives you time to scan your body and connect with the parts that give you stability and support, your bones. By taking time and sensing into these individual parts of our bony skeleton, we can appreciate them and contribute to their health.
When there are conditions of the bones, for example, arthritis or osteoporosis, yoga tools can be hugely beneficial and not invasive. Practising Yoga Nidra, Loving Kindness Meditation and a visualisation, such as this one, can bring clarity and calm when the mind is disturbed.
Befriending Backbends. Part 1: Elongate.
Making space in the chest, strengthening glutes and hamstrings and creating vitality are just some of the reasons we do yoga backbends.
This is a 75-minute modulated backbend practice with the aim of having you feel energetic and calm by using an intelligent approach.
You'll find a written version of the practice at the end of the video.
Befriending Backbends. Part 2: Strengthening the Glutes and Hamstrings
This 75 minute class is designed to wake up the muscles that make for easeful backbending poses. When the gluteus medius, minimus and hamstrings support an even arching of the spine, there is less stress and effort. You will get to enjoy more of the benefits of these valuable postures: stimulation of the nervous system, opening the lungs and correction of stooped posture.
Befriending Backbends. Part 3: Shoulder blade flexibility and strength.
Keeping the dorsal thoracic - the upper back - strong and flexible is such a benefit to our posture and the strength of our bones.
A further advantage is that we can experience more freedom when we do backbends as we avoid pinching the lower back, hunching the shoulders and making the neck cranky.
Here's a 75 minute all-round practice to create fluid movement in the shoulder blades, especially, and the whole body, as well.
Kindness to your upper back: Shoulder Blade Flexibility and Stability
Your shoulder blades and your dorsal thoracic spine are a sort of a mystery area because they can't be seen.
This is a lovely, mainly standing pose practice to help you feel and sense into your upper back so as to create relief in the neck and shoulders.
This 1:15 hr practice begins with live harp music and finishes with a visualisation on 'The Air We Breathe'.
Pelvic movement and stability
The pelvis is an amazing fulcrum of the body and has lots of potential for movement in various directions. When we experience stiffness or soreness, it might mean that we've lost some our mobility or perhaps are even too mobile.Here's a session to explore and experience some of the movements of your pelvis.If you would like to make a donation to my continuing to create videos and recordings, please visit https://eveyoga/donation/.
Supported Bridge Pose - Setu Bandhasana
Supported Bridge - Setu Bandhasana - is a passive backbend that calms the activity of the mind and facilitates better breathing. Staying quietly in the pose, even for five minutes, can help regulate blood pressure, ease headaches, improve digestion and rest tired legs.If you would like to make a donation to my continuing to create videos and recordings, please visit https://eveyoga/donation/.
Supported Shoulder Stand - Salamba Sarvangasana
Supported Shoulder Stand. This version of shoulderstand gives the support that allows you to stay in the pose for a bit longer. Which means you get the benefits of being upside down for more time with less effort. Plus, there's no toll on your wrists or neck. It's a little tricky to get into in the beginning, so this video will help make the pose more accessible for you.If you would like to make a donation to my continuing to create videos and recordings, please visit https://eveyoga/donation/.
Back Care: Maintenance with Classic Poses
The way to have a healthy spine is to keep it supple and strong. Back bending and forward bending, lateral movements and mindful holding of basic postures encourage mobility.This 75-minute class offers a simple routine that if done regularly allows you maintain good posture and keep backache at bay.