
Inspiration for your yoga bookshelf

Grzybowski, Eve. Teach Yourself Yoga – An accessible all-round yoga book with everything you need to satisfy your interest in yoga: history, philosophy, practice tips, photos, detailed descriptions of poses, and the author’s own experiences as a practitioner.

Iyengar, B.K.S. Light on Life  – Partly inspirational biography, partly manual for living, partly philosophical text. ‘How to use yoga to eventual enlightenment’!

Lasater, Judith. Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times – As advertised, appropriate yoga practices and poses we need to deal with our too-busy lives.

Scarvelli, Vanda. Awakening the Spine – A poetic description of what yoga means to the octogenarian author, with totally inspiring images.

Kraftsow, Gary. Yoga For Wellness – A useful manual of therapeutic yoga for teachers and students who want a very natural approach to healing.

McCall, Timothy, M.D. Yoga as Medicine, Bantam Books – A common-sense and inspiring collection of how senior yoga teachers work with various medical conditions.

Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha – A bible for all of the mentioned practices. Of special interest is the first section on Pawanmuktasana exercises.

Francine, Suza. The New Yoga for Healthy Aging – The author is knowledgable, fun and accessible. The photo models are “of a certain age” and show the rewards of dedication to yoga practice.

Borg-Olivier, Simon  and  Machliss, Bianca.  Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga – This pithy book represents the creative force and vast expertise of these two leaders in field of yoga.

Moyer, Donald. Awakening the Inner Body – The author writes clearly and in depth about how to make the physical practice of yoga deeper and more satisfying.

Yogananda, Paramanhans. Autobiography of a Yogi. The magical, classic story of one of the leading lights of yoga in the 20th century.

Desikachar, T.K.V. Health, Healing & Beyond – A great teacher in his own right, Desikachar tells the story of his father Krishnamacharya, the teacher of and inspiration for many influential yoga teachers.

Farhi, Donna. Bringing Yoga to Life – Writing practically about the practice of yoga, the author of many useful contemporary yoga books tells us how to take our practices from the yoga room into the room of life.

Iyengar, Geeta. Yoga: A Gem for Women – A perennial classic for yoga practitioners and teachers alike from the hugely knowledgable daughter of the old master.

Sparrowe, Linda and Walden, Patricia. The Woman’s Book of Yoga and Health – Everything you need to know about women’s yoga in a clear, clean presentation with great photos.

Davis, Ana. The Dark Moon (E-book) Nurturing yoga for a healthy menstruation.

Kenton, Lesley. Passage to Power – Empowering information that counters how we were conditioned to think about menopause.

Balaskas, Janet. Preparing for Birth with Yoga:Exercises for Pregnancy and Childbirth – One of the best yoga books for pregnant yoginis and new mothers.

Freedman, Francoise Barbira. Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond – Clear and helpful photos and step-by-step instructions, activities to supplement yoga classed, and even sequences for post-pregnancy.

And more from internet browsing….

Here’s a list of must-have reading recommended by the American Yoga Journal.