The Yoga with Eve Grzybowski Blog

I’ve been blogging for 15 years now. At first, I was quite nervous about publishing my thoughts. Because I was shy about writing, my old posts were almost exclusively photos of the view from our bedroom in our Tambourine Bay house.

Remarkably, my original Ville Blog still exists. Does anything on the internet ever go away?  It ran from November 05, 2006 to January 12, 2010 and it’s still just where I left it.  If you’d like to have a look, the address is

These days, because there are way too many YSH posts to browse through-over 1200-I’ve put some major themes together in The Vault.  I hope this makes it easier to find exactly what you want.

Tempus fugit

Tempus Fugit

Daniel and I have been country residents now for about nine weeks now. That means that I’ve probably logged in about 60 6 am yoga practices in the Shed. I’ve hardly missed a morning…me who used to love to do my yoga practice in the afternoons to put myself back together after the stresses and strains of the early part of the day. It sounds odd, I suppose, that yoga teachers need to put themselves back together. […]

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Back to new year's resolves

Back to New Year's Resolves

Maybe it was a little arrogant of me to be in advising mode on Day One of 2010 when in fact I hadn’t volunteered what I was up for this year. Certainly Day Three of the New Year can’t be too late. So, here goes: I am going to be a nicer person. There!
And how am I going to achieve this? Well, there are the truly obvious ways:
•Don’t yell at people. Especially my best friends and husband.
•Do be generous. […]

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A new year: the domination of opportunity

A New Year: The Domination of Opportunity

A very long time ago, 25 years to be exact, I started to personal yoga practice, and pretty much since then, I’ve kept it up. My zest for it has ebbed and flowed along the way – that’s only natural – but I’m very grateful to have made yoga my companion.
Have you resolved something for 2010? Maybe to do more yoga?
On Day One of a New Year, a brilliant and exciting resolution to do yoga practice every day calls forth enthusiasm that can become blunted by the end of the week. […]

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Ganesha: god of endings and beginnings

Ganesha: God of Endings and Beginnings

New Year's Eve 2009 Ganesha, being the cool dude type of god he is, is sporting a Christmas beanie, at the same time as welcoming us into the Yoga Shed from his guardian position at the entrance. Revered for being the god of all beginnings and endings, Ganesha is the...

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I’m finding my feet here with this brand-new blog, and I’m more than a little worried that my bare feet are going to leave big muddy tracks all over a clean white page. But, hey, isn’t that the definition of An Author. Which I am, BTW. […]

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