Small and Home-Grown

Jan 2, 2010 | Yoga Media | 1 comment

Miniature horse

Small and Beautiful

Imagine my surprise when I was checking out the magazine section at Old Bar Newsagency this morning and discovered a new mag, Australian Yoga Journal.

Cover of australian yoga journalPublished by Odysseus Publishing, it would appear from its very American Yoga Journal cover and layout, that the publication has burst onto the Aussie market from a launching pad somewhere in the U.S. Sadly, for me, the contributing writers are not mostly from around these parts (Oz). I would hope that a magazine titled Australian Yoga Journal will endeavour to cultivate more local talent in future issues.

This issue, with a $7.95 cover price, will directly compete with Australian Yoga Life.

I’ve been a supporter of Australian Yoga Life magazine every since it started up years ago. What endeared me to the publishers, Colin and Jude Clements, was that they came down from their Queensland office to call on me personally and get to know me. I know that they worked on this sort of relationship building with countless yogis across the continent, and have continued to do it over the years.
I gave up subscribing to the American Yoga Journal when the space devoted to advertising seemed to crowd out the article content. I suppose this is the way that big magazines stay alive these days, but I must say I’ve admired the Clements’ lean-mean model. And, hopefully there’s enough room among the estimated 500,000 people in the Australian yoga community to subscribe to two yoga magazines.

1 Comment

  1. Hear, hear! Yes, i agree that Colin and Jude’s Australian Yoga Life has made an important contribution to our yoga-media landscape – and it is indeed a magazine with true yogic integrity – run by two very friendly, passionate and committed people. Long live AYL ! : )
    Ana x


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