Retirement and Beyond

Crystal balls are not really a necessity. Not at all. To see your future look to the folks in the retirement villages and nursing homes.
Even though fifty is the new forty, sixty is the new fifty, and so on, one day if you live long enough you will get to be an 80, 90, 100 year old. […]

Singing Hymns…

A very dear and rather acerbic friend of mine described one of the early yoga classes that he attended as “singing hymns around the piano.”
He didn’t go back, and he eventually discovered and practised Iyengar yoga, which, by contrast, can be described as rigorous, meticulous and strict. […]



First I should mention yoga mainly because I haven’t been doing that, and, after all, this is meant to be a yoga-type blog.
The last two mornings I’ve done a little yoga practice but not enough to have broomed every nook and cranny of my body where dust (especially dust) and spider webs have been collecting since arriving on US soil. No worries. […]


They've Got It

The secret to longevity…. The giant sequoias have got it.
We visited them in their Mariposa, California home today…hundreds of them. The biggest towering up to 300 feet and 20 to 30 feet in diameter at their base.
These whoopers can live to be 3,000 years old. […]



A new experience! My first visit to Yosemite today. What an extraordinary experience being in the land of John Muir and Ansel Adams.
Muir was a sort of Wilderness Yogi, a visionary, who put his passion behind creating Yosemite as a park for us and for posterity.
I was blown away by the scale of the granite mountains and bouldered river beds shaped by glacial movements over ages.
To see the shiny, vertical rock faces with tiny figures climbiyng them was truly breathtaking. […]


Leaving Black Rock

It’s sunrise in this flat, white-dusted desert, and the car we’re getting a lift with from Burning Man to Reno is stuck in a queue. We’ve been advised it’ll take 30 min. to get out, much better than the 3 hours it took to get through the entry point a week ago.
I love the desert. […]

Burning Man day 7

Last night was the ritual of burning The Man.
We arrived at The Man site and took up seats on our blanket right in the front row, waiting for the fire show to start.
First there were marching bands. Have you ever seen a fiery tuba or flaming kettle drums? Setting a wild rhythm, the flame-throwers, eaters, twirlers, dancers appeared next, certainly the biggest pyro show I’ve ever seen. […]

Day 5 Burning Man

The Burning Man is an edifice that is 70 feet tall and includes a several story internal stairway for us to walk up and view the whole of the “Playa” – a rough circular shape that’s 7 miles in circumference. The Man is packed with burnable material so the main event of the week, the burn goes off spectacularly and efficiently.
Yesterday was fun. One event Daniel and I participated in was the Human Carcass Carwash. Too hard to explain. […]


Circle the Wagons

Today my step-son Ben, girlfriend Jade, and their 3 Aussie friends picked up their huge RV for the trip to Burning Man Festival.
Since Ben heard about the event a year ago, he’s been planning and saving for this exciting trip.
Daniel and I are hooked up with a dear friend Donna to join Kevin (old yoga student from ’85) and Californian Laura in their RV. We’ll leave for Burning Man tomorrow morning. Fortunately the site of BM – hard Nevada desert – is not expected to be as hot as some year’s past. […]

Routines Take 2

Happily, a few years ago on another trip to San Francisco, I discovered a yoga school, would you believe based Iyengar-style, nearby.
I can walk there from Cousin Merle’s on 8th Avenue, which I did this morning. Much better using the studio instead of the small floor space of our visitor’s accommodation.
I did a Level one (read “beginner-ish) class with a very good beginner-ish (read 1 year) teacher. […]



On the road today, it’s still today although I’ve travelled from Sydney to LA to San Francisco in 17 hours.
My early morning yoga routine went skewiff when I was nursing a cold, and then preparing for this long trip.
I pride myself (uh-oh) on being disciplined and now, while traveling, i notice it’s darned inconvenient to reImpose a yoga practice routine.
I know I will, nevertheless, partly for you the reader; […]

Not Perfect

Not Perfect

It’s been almost 7 months since I had bi-lateral hip replacements and I thought it was time to have a look at how my yoga poses were coming along. Through the eye of a camera.
Daniel was kind enough to take some photos of me posing 😉
Now, you probably know that I would have deleted the not-so-hot images. […]