In Byron

On the cusp of teaching in Byron Yoga Centre’s annual therapy course, I need an early and good night’s sleep tonight.
I think it’s so exciting to have such rich resources available to these therapy trainees in the form of us veteran teachers. I wish I’d had it it my early days of teaching, but I’m probably a late bloomer anyway.
And, yoga teachers never really stop learning. […]

Passion – What's Yours?

A friend who is a Passion Map coach has been in a process with me today of walking me through creating a Passion Map. You can look up the topic on line – – but basically  a P M is like any map, a device for discovering where you are, helping chart directions and getting you to where you want to be.
The directions relate to interests that inspire you, even thrill you.  For me that would be yoga and yoga teaching, for sure. […]

Self-Healing – Colds

I did a fabulous yoga practice this morning. It’s one that I will present for Yoga Therapy Trainees in Byron Bay next week.
The sequence is a “download” from The Path to Holistic Health by BKS Iyengar and comprises poses for treating colds.
When I was still teaching in Sydney, I can’t tell you how often the teachers and I at Simply Yoga would do this sequence as a way of looking after ourselves. […]

Red Birds

Red Birds

The other day, writing on this blog, I was trying to explain a yoga concept called vinyamaya kosha – not entirely successfully done, judging by a couple of comments I received.
I always put the responsibility for communications which the readers finds are abstruse back on the communicator. […]



I am probably like you in that I have experienced many happy things in my life. Bliss, which is related to the last of the koshas that I’m discussing in this blog, has been more elusive in my life.
One experience I had in which I felt annandamaya kosha, my bliss body, was so unfamiliar to me that I actually became frightened.
At the time, I wasn’t reaching for some kind of out there, spiritual experience; it just happened. I think there is that element of serendipity to experiencing bliss. […]



In this mini study of the Koshas, we’ve come to Jnanamayakosha, also known as Vinyamayakosha. The level of being that this “sheath” represents is sometimes called the wisdom or intuitive body – the level of intelligent thought and conceptualisation.
I have to admit I don’t fully understand all the terminology and perhaps that is because we have gone from looking at the physical level to more and more subtle ones.
So, I’ve intuited what I think this level is about. […]