Know any everyday heroes?

Know Any Everyday Heroes?

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Sometimes I hear about a person in my circle of friends and acquaintances who is doing it hard and doing it quietly and uncomplainingly. It crosses my mind that these people are really everyday heroes, in their own sphere.
We don’t often recognise these stalwarts for their contributions because we think of heroes as being those who lead forces in battle, tie themselves to trees in old-growth forests, or save lives. I’ll never forget the faces pictured on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald after the Port Arthur massacre. […]

Community by design

Yoga Fellowship

After spending yesterday evening and part of today with my yoga friend Nick, I was reminded of what a blessing our yoga friendships are.
As a yoga teacher or student, you may have had the experience of meeting extraordinary people through the vehicle of yoga. Many of my best friends are people I’ve met through yoga. […]

Communal life

Communal Life

Part of my rhapsodic descriptions of Mitchells Island living are coloured rosy by the great people who I share our property with. We’ve known each other for decades.
Five of the six of us are yoga practitioners, and it’s pretty cool when we’re out in the yoga shed together for pranayama or asana practice.
A few years ago when we were still in the planning stage of our communal experiment, we hit a barrier, not surprisingly financial. It looked like our vision of living together was fast going down the gurgler. One of us had a great idea. […]