What is an Outback Australia A-Log?

Aug 2, 2016 | Camping, Outback Australia: Recorded | 2 comments

The ultimate camper trailer and daniel the ultimate camper

The Ultimate Camper Trailer and Daniel the ultimate camper

Introducing Eve’s Outback Australia A-Log

I’ve been on the road for nearly two months, camping in towns and way out of towns. I’ve stayed in enough places that I (capable of many senior moments) was losing track of where and when.

So I came up with an idea: a daily ritual whereby Daniel and I chronicle each previous day–highlights and lowlights, too. Rather than putting pen to paper, so yesterday, we are making short sound clips.

When my clever husband can figure out the next stage, a video log, we will then dazzle you with film of remote Australia.

Pindarendi Station and The Undara Lava Tubes

Grevillea from minnamoolka district of queensland

Grevillea from Minnamoolka district of Queensland

This inaugural recording tells of our stay at a genuine cattle station near Mt Surprise, Queensland, called Pindarendi. Like many small towns and property owners, our hosts are capitalising on providing basic accommodation for the stream of grey nomads rolling through the warm north.

Also, you’ll hear Daniel talk about the lava tubes of the Undara Volcanic Park. Typical of travellers to unusual places, we are throwing ourselves into seeing what there is to see. Now I know what a lava tube is and how it is formed. More importantly, I have a greater appreciation for the exoticness of hitherto unexplored parts of Australia. If you like, check the tubes out.

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  1. Hi Eve and Daniel, lovely log, thank you! Nice to listen to your dulcet American tones too! Two months on the road already – hard to believe. I used to live in Cairns and visited Undarra a number of times. One of my favourite memories is of lying on the lava rocks in the early evening, watching the sun set then the stars come out. The rocks retained the warmth of the day’s sun and the night sky was simply magnificent. You are in a great part of the world, and obviously enjoying your discoveries.

    • So lovely to share the experience with someone who has had it!
      I feel we are privileged to be able to see these lovely, dry, exotic, harsh and wonderful (as full of wonders) parts of Australia ??


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