Chill out at the Summer Solstice
Because the solstice occurs just twice a year, it is a special event. That means it deserves a specialised yoga practice.
In the southern hemisphere, we’re approaching the summer solstice. The living is easy, breezy and expansive. You just naturally want to be out of doors. Even better if you can have an ocean dip.
The other night the prospect of a beach picnic called to us. So, Rick, Heather, Daniel and I headed for the park at Old Bar for a feast of fish and chips and beer. We were committed to wresting the most pleasure from a long lazy summer evening.
Many Australians are finishing up work now and, as a result, exhaling a deep sigh of relief. Most of us, I would say, will be getting ready to enjoy holiday reunions and celebrations with family and friends. With more free time, it’s a simple thing to fit in a leisurely yoga practice–providing you can stay cool.
Best holiday practice
Has this busy season with its end-of-year parties and congenial connections taken its toll on your body and your mind? Then, I have just the right yoga practice for you.
Here’s a program of seven poses that includes meditation and relaxation.
Start off sitting in Sukhasana or Virasana (simple cross-leg or kneeling pose) for 5-10 minutes to centre yourself.
Salami Balasana (supported child’s pose) for 5 minutes
Salami Bharadavajasana (belly down twist) for 3 minutes each side
Supta Baddha Konasana (supported bound angle pose) for 5-10 minutes
Savasana 1 (with chair and bolsters) for 5-10 minutes
Viparita Karani (legs up the wall) for 5-10 minutes
Savasana 2 (supported side-lying) for 5-10 minutes
As the sun reaches its zenith, stay cool with this sequence and regenerate your body and soul!