Something Lost, Something Found

Something Lost, Something Found via pinterest
Years ago I saw a movie called “Something’s Got to Give”, starring Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton as seniors who were experiencing a bumpy road in dealing with the process of ageing.
One of the sight gags that ran through the movie was the both of them, sequentially, misplacing their reading glasses. The audience, an older crowd, laughed out loud each time the actors lost their glasses.
I’ve just spend 20 minutes today looking for my reading glasses and they haven’t turned up as yet. […]

Do Muscles Have Memories?

Do Muscles Have Memories?

I’ve been using the expression ‘muscle memory’ in my yoga classes to explain how students remember to do certain movements. People learn to embody certain movements over time. ‘Neuronal pathways’ is another term for what links the brain to the body’s ability to do activities.
I decided to check out my word use with Dr. Google. […]

Practice is not about being perfect. It’s about being you.

Practice is not about being perfect. It’s about being you.

Kathy Cooper Yoga Mats via Pinterest
I’ve uncovered a new offence that I’m capable of. I’m calling it creation-envy. What occurs for me when I hear of a great idea or turn of phrase is that I find myself wishing I’d thought of it or said it first.
Occasionally, I’ll hear another yoga teacher say something in class that is so perfectly verbalised that I just have to ‘borrow’ it. […]

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

(via Pinterest) 
Having just completed teaching one workshop, I’m now mentally preparing for teaching in the Yoga Therapy Intensive in Byron Bay.
However, I’m following my own advice to the driven, stressed-out people who take up yoga to relax: chill a little. You may have had the experience of being so intensely productive that you use up all your reserves and end up flat on your back, unable to do anything.
So, for the time being I’m dawdling. […]

Do Muscles Have Memories?

"Good at Any Age"


I hope you will allow me a little whinge. I’ve been keeping it to myself for a while but I think it’s about time now to vent a bit.
This is my complaint: I’m tired of the media image of yoga that shows youngish, pretty women (and sometimes attractive youthful men) doing advanced poses in designer clothing.
There. It’s out. […]

Do Muscles Have Memories?

Yogis 'Commun-ifying' in The Bay

I’ve extolled the virtues of community in these blog posts over the years, and I’m sure to keep doing it, as I think that the way kindred spirits come together is a magical thing.
What is it that we humans find so enticing about the experience of joining for a common purpose? I think it is that we have an opportunity to let down our defences a little, and in the process of doing just that, we are immediately closer to others. […]

Do Muscles Have Memories?

Yoga Prepares You for Singing Out!

I joined a choir when I moved to the country three and a half years ago. I don’t think of myself as a singer. I don’t sing in the shower. I don’t remember lyrics or which band recorded what album. However, I love music.
Now I’ve discovered that when I’m carried along on the wings of my choir, I can sing. I’m probably not going to do any solos soon, and I still don’t sing in the shower, but with our regular weekly choir practice, I’ve become better. […]

How is a Blank Page Like a Vacant Yoga Mat?

How is a Blank Page Like a Vacant Yoga Mat?

A couple of years ago, in writing about difficulties of creating a post almost daily, I said, ‘A new post is like a blank Word document or a fresh sheet of paper – a tabula rasa – exciting for its very spaciousness.’ But the vacant page is also intimidating because of its very emptiness.
I’ve learned from 7 years of blogging that, when the Muse smiles on me, there is a happy co-incidence of interesting ideas and great writing technique. […]

Do Muscles Have Memories?

Mother's Day on Kangaroo Island

We’ve just celebrated Mother’s Day this last Sunday, and I believe it was for me one of the most satisfying I’ve experienced.
First of all, I was on Kangaroo Island, spending 4 days in the company of 6 other women who are known for their wisdom, spunkiness and joie de vie. Our ages range from 40’s to late 70’s, so there are grandmothers and grandmothers-to-be in the mix.
Secondly, we women like to set up meaningful rituals, and on this Mother’s Day occasion, sitting around after dinner, we each shared about our mothers. […]

Good Yoga Practice: Time Out for Renewal

Good Yoga Practice: Time Out for Renewal

One of the beautiful things about living in the country and being ‘semi-retired’ is that I have ample time to connect with people.
Sitting down with a cuppa to chat with a friend and not having time constraints – the conversation can go in unexpected directions. Instead of handling business or talking about what one of you needs from the other, you can just let content emerge organically, if you will.
Tomorrow I’m flying to South Australia, then to magnificent Kangaroo Island, to meet up with six dear women friends. […]

Do Muscles Have Memories?

'Nothing Like a Deadline'

I’ve been spending time with a friend who has a rare kind of cancer. Her doctor’s prognosis is that she has 12 months to live. With that prediction in mind, she has decided to forego the recommended protocol of chemotherapy and just live her life to the utmost.
How is it possible that people I know, those who are dear to me, and those who are younger than I, can die? It seems impossible. That is because death is usually kept at arm’s length. […]