Good Yoga Practice: Time Out for Renewal

May 8, 2013 | Healing, Health, Nature, Yoga practices | 0 comments

One of the beautiful things about living in the country and being ‘semi-retired’ is that I have ample time to connect with people.
Sitting down with a cuppa to chat with a friend and not having time constraints – the conversation can go in unexpected directions. Instead of handling business or talking about what one of you needs from the other, you can just let content emerge organically, if you will.
Tomorrow I’m flying to South Australia, then to magnificent Kangaroo Island, to meet up with six dear women friends. We will have three uninterrupted days of telling our stories, bush walking, eating and drinking. We’ll probably do some morning yoga and meditation, also, but sleeping-in is encouraged.
Women can get so busy. I’m not saying men don’t rush around too, but women will often fill every waking moment of every day, with must-do stuff, and then end up having trouble sleeping.
So, I’m looking forward to our annual girlfriends’ reunion because each year I come home having had my mind soothed, body relaxed and heart filled.
If you are not yet semi- or fully retired as yet, and find that your busy life impacts your sleep, you may find this post helpful: Perchance to dream.


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