Do Your Homework and Then Let Go!

May 17, 2013 | Community, Yoga teaching  | 0 comments

I’m looking forward to teaching a workshop in Corlette in beautiful Port Stephens (NSW) on Sunday sponsored by Nikki Schilling of Yoga Sphere.
I tend to be well-prepared for a seminar that I’m leading. My husband, who is the king of the ‘winging it’ type of presenters, would probably say that I over-prepare.
In the past, the amount of time and effort I put into planning a workshop was usually fuelled by concerns that I wouldn’t do a good enough job.
I don’t know why it took me so long to figure this out (maybe a couple of decades) – if you are worrying about not doing well in leading a group, then you won’t enjoy the teaching experience. And, it naturally follows that the workshop participants won’t have a great time either.
So, I believe I’ve planned the most important ingredient into Sunday’s event, enjoyment, and that everything else will follow.

“Spontaneity is one of the joys of existence, especially if you prepare for it in advance.”  – Alan Dean Foster, Nor Crystal Tears



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