A Sutra a Day: III-50 – There’s Freedom in Letting Go

Dec 2, 2012 | Community, Nature, Philosophy, Wisdom, XSutras, xTmp, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Yoga teaching  | 0 comments

We had a little party today chez Scotts Road, Mitchells Island. It was a celebration of Rick’s and my birthdays and Mike and Judy’s homecoming, all rolled into one.
I looked around at all the attendees and felt an overwhelming sense of love and affection for the people we’ve gathered around us in the 3 years of living in the country. Some are yoga students, some members of our choir or our book club, and others neighbours.
I still think fondly of my Sydney yoga students and keep in touch with some of them. I found it difficult to say good-by to this group, some of whom I’d known for decades, but I also knew it was time to change gears. I needed to look after my health. I wanted to fulfil a dream of living close to Nature. And, it was time for The New in my life.
Letting go of the city life and friends seemed like it was going to be a huge sacrifice on my part. They haven’t gone anywhere, though, and I’ve enriched and expanded my life because of being willing to move.

Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future. – Daphne Rose Kingma


Tadvairagyadapi dosabijaksaye kaivalyam

Freedom, the last goal of yoga, is attained only when the desire to acquire extraordinary knowledge is rejected and the source of obstacles is completely controlled.*
*Patanjali’s Yogasutras, translation and commentary by T.K.V. Desikachar.


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