
A Sutra a Day: IV-34 – Here Ends the Sutra of Patanjali

A Sutra a Day: IV-34 – Here Ends the Sutra of Patanjali

Source: themetalfairytale.tumblr.com via Carrie on Pinterest

I’ve not been well today. A stomach complaint – severe cramping and slight nausea. Perhaps a dose of gastro or food poisoning? It could have been to do cleaning out a big mucky garden pot. Maybe something that is meant to live outside got inside me.
So here I am, all alone at home, while everyone in our household has gone to choir practice. I truly can’t remember having an evening alone for yonks. It’s exceptionally nice.
And, this is a special night too… […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-33 – Tiny Instants of Time Add Up

A Sutra a Day: IV-33 – Tiny Instants of Time Add Up

Source: mostbeautifulpages.com via Michelle on Pinterest

For some reason, maybe because of teaching some workshops on ‘How to Work with Older Students’, I seem to be preoccupied with ageing. It may be because I am, er… getting on myself.
A newsletter landed in my email today from my friend and colleague Maggi, who was writing about ‘Age and Attitude’. She says,
‘I have a bad attitude to ageing. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-32 – A Balancing Act

A Sutra a Day: IV-32 – A Balancing Act

Source: dailydoseofstuf.tumblr.com via Michael on Pinterest

Yoga philosophy has a handy way to categorise elements of the material world. In Sanskrit there are three forces called gunas: tamas, which exhibits qualities of darkness, inertia, or heaviness; rajas, which equates with raw energy, passion, dynamism; and, sattva, which is defined as Being, clarity, or spiritual essence.
Objects can be characterised according to the above scheme, and so can human moods and personalities.
Think about it. At times you’ve probably felt yourself in a heavy mood, like a dark cloud is hanging over you (tamasic). […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-31 – "All is Known and Nothing is Known"

A Sutra a Day: IV-31 – "All is Known and Nothing is Known"

Source: weheartit.com via Christy on Pinterest

Have you ever heard of an exercise that’s done in personal development courses called “If you really knew me….”? It’s designed to create a greater depth of intimacy among the members of the group by sharing something of a personal nature. By opening up about a subject where there’s been fear or embarrassment attached to it, the speaker has an opportunity to let go and move on. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-27 – Those Pesky Psychic Grooves (grinding out the same old tune)

A Sutra a Day: IV-27 – Those Pesky Psychic Grooves (grinding out the same old tune)

Source: herblog.com via Rosie on Pinterest

Have you run across the idea that your yoga mat can act as your therapist? I know on one level that sounds facetious, but think about it. You put yourself on your mat routinely and, each time you do, it’s an opportunity for you to watch your behaviour.
What are your responses as you practice. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-25 – Finding Your Way Home

A Sutra a Day: IV-25 – Finding Your Way Home

Source: carkart.com via Carkart.com on Pinterest

Over the years I’ve developed a deep love and appreciation for yoga. Sometimes I joke and say that it’s the longest relationship I’ve ever had.
In the beginning I did yoga to help me lose weight after a pregnancy and to keep fit. I discovered I was good at doing the asanas so that gave me an ego boost and led me to do yoga teacher training. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-16 – Indulging Perspectives

A Sutra a Day: IV-16 – Indulging Perspectives

Source: tumblr.com via Madison on Pinterest

One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn is that my reality is real only for me. Assuming that others should agree with my world view, and perhaps even adopt it, has been the cause of suffering for me in the past.
When I started teaching yoga 30-plus years ago, I was gung-ho in my interpretation of the Iyengar method. I learned from a tough teacher and I tried to be one. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-15 – Would You Rather be Right or Be in Love?

A Sutra a Day: IV-15 – Would You Rather be Right or Be in Love?

Source: Uploaded by user via Câro on Pinterest

Shortly before I went away on a several week break recently, I had an argument with one of my housemates. You know how it is when you’re rushing around getting ready to go, stressed by packing, and completing those pesky chores. I was not at all in the space of anticipatory delight.
I won’t bore you with the details of the dust-up; let’s just say there was a display of anger, hurt feelings and cross words. My lower self was clearly on display. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-10 – The Most Basic Instinct

A Sutra a Day: IV-10 – The Most Basic Instinct

Source: dreamstime.com via Debby on Pinterest

One of the strange but ever present states of affairs in all beings is the desire to live forever. Even those in the presence of death every day have this illogical impulsion. This is what inspires the instinct for self-preservation in all of us.*
I just finished a must-read novel by Barbara Kingsolver called Flight Behaviour. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-9 – Pesky Patterns

A Sutra a Day: IV-9 – Pesky Patterns

Source: confidentonequotes.tumblr.com via Real on Pinterest

We have guests staying with us at the moment. It’s the time of year that, if you live in the country, especially near a river and a beach, you will have visitors. I love it.
Unfortunately, one of our guests who is staying with us has not been well. Nothing too serious, but off-colour enough to be a-abed. She doesn’t want to be made a fuss of but, as the hostess, I feel responsible. I end up being solicitous. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-7 – Practising Skill in Action

A Sutra a Day: IV-7 – Practising Skill in Action

Source: saturdayeveningpost.com via Flynn “Knihovna” on Pinterest

If you know me, you know that I don’t have any trouble conversing one-on-one (or two or three) or even talking to large groups of students in a yoga classroom. However, I do have trouble speaking my viewpoints in a group where other individuals are more voluble.
I have no idea why this is, probably one of those things bequeathed to me by my seen-but-not-heard upbringing. I just wish it didn’t still bother me. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-6 – ‘Shed’ those Negative Influences

A Sutra a Day: IV-6 – ‘Shed’ those Negative Influences

Source: Uploaded by user via Rachel on Pinterest

Are you sensitive to different energies? Recently I’ve had a few visitors come to the Yoga Shed who have told me how much they appreciate the special energy of the space. Someone of a more skeptical attitude might think that’s a bunch of hooey – how can a room emit energy?
It happens over time… […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-1 – The Accomplished Yogi

A Sutra a Day: IV-1 – The Accomplished Yogi

Source: Uploaded by user via Neysa on Pinterest

We’re still in holiday frame of mind here on Mitchells Island, so in that light-hearted spirit, I’ll tell you a little story.
Two mendicant ascetics had been at their spiritual practices on a high, barren tableland for many years. One was a cobweb-covered meditator who sat sternly in lotus pose. The other was a whirling dervish, spinning endlessly, ecstatically.
Unexpectedly, God appeared to the both of them, possibly as a vision. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-0 – Freedom is a Balancing Act

A Sutra a Day: IV-0 – Freedom is a Balancing Act

Source: tetonyoga.com via Maiya on Pinterest

The bracket of dates that goes from Christmas Eve till a week or two after New Year’s is traditionally break time in Australia. It’s such a sensible and compassionate approach and one of the things I love about this country.
If you are fortunate enough to enjoy time off work in this period, you will have probably found yourself looking forward to it well in advance of the holidays. […]

A Sutra a Day: III-50 – There’s Freedom in Letting Go

A Sutra a Day: III-50 – There’s Freedom in Letting Go

Source: lovelavieboheme.tumblr.com via Melissa on Pinterest

We had a little party today chez Scotts Road, Mitchells Island. It was a celebration of Rick’s and my birthdays and Mike and Judy’s homecoming, all rolled into one.
I looked around at all the attendees and felt an overwhelming sense of love and affection for the people we’ve gathered around us in the 3 years of living in the country. […]

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