Take Care: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying

Jun 25, 2018 | Wisdom | 2 comments

Text quoting author marie kendo, illustrated with flowers

A few years ago, my friend and yoga colleague, Donna Cavanough, told me about a book that she had read called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. When I visited Donna’s home, she showed me the impeccable organisation of her pantry, kitchen cupboards and bedroom drawers and wardrobe. She had followed author Marie Kendo‘s notions and created a beautiful environment from what may have formerly been chaotic spaces.

Unfortunately, I am still, at age 73, rebelling against the ideas of organisation that my mother tried to instil in me. However, I did read the tidying book and then implemented some of the suggestions. I couldn’t get motivated enough to make over every room in my house. But I did tackle my bedroom wardrobe and drawers and my office.

Did my life change? No, not really. But I discovered that it is true that some magic does happen when we do a major clean and clear out. It’s as though there is more energy radiating from our  spaces.

I love it when I do a yoga class in a studio that has been energised by the teacher’s careful preparation. It’s not just that it is sparkling clean. It is infused with love. I think of Julie Spicer’s gorgeous Wallabi Beach yoga space. You can just imagine that something special is going to happen in the impending class as you walk up the stairs, each with a heart-shaped stone to welcome you.

When we look after our spaces with this degree of care, we are looking after ourselves. And no doubt, we are extending this care to others.

Here’s a sweet little video to inspire you to take a bit of time to have a self-care date and change your environment, as well.


Self Care Date | My Reset Routine


  1. Did Daniel really write this?

  2. Lovely video, Eve. And I loved the message and suggestions for a self care date. Thanks for sharing.


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