Meditation and the Beauty of Open Sky

Jan 25, 2016 | Mindfulness Meditation | 6 comments

“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”

The above quote from Pema Chodran appeals to me. I relate well to metaphors–word pictures. I know I am not really the sky, but to be able to feel into my mind, having it be as big as the open sky, well, it’s not hard.

Yet, most days I go around in a skyless world, one circumscribed by what is in front of my nose. Perhaps you do this too? Sitting here at my computer with my reading glasses on, I occasionally lift my gaze to look out my window and see flooded gums and clouds. But, more often than not, I’m looking at this screen and into my mind prattle and pictures.

Formal meditation practice is so important in countering our habitually small view of life. When I notice my world is shrinking and becoming worrisome, I know I need to get back to meditating. I need to discover the inner point–the sky– from which I can observe the weather (thoughts, emotions, discomfort). From this inner self, when the weather gets stormy, when hail rains down and especially when there are electrical storms, I remember who I am. 

Meditation allows us to travel up above the clouds on inclement days, and observe the weather from a broader vantage point.

The beauty of an awareness as big as the sky is that it is large enough to contain it all–pain and sorrow, joy and laughter, love and loss. But it does require being still long for long enough to open up and open out.

Who is crazy enough to stand quietly and squarely in the midst of foul weather? I am and I have, because I know that’s where I find myself. And, if I just be with myself long enough, the weather changes. The sky is always within us. 


  1. So beautifully written Eve… made me think of the story of Krishna opening his mouth to Yashoda, who sees the Seven Oceans and the entire Universe within……
    I love the picture your words create and the concept of standing in the stillness in both the foul and fair weather the mind creates….thank you!
    PS. How do I subscribe to your blog Eve….so I am notified when you post?

    • Thanks, Ali. To subscribe to Yoga Suits Her, just click on the subscribe button on the home page right hand side bar at the top.
      Let me know if you have any trouble….

  2. Thanks for those words of wisdom eve a reminder we are all in this together we just need to be mindful of the beauty that surrounds us and that is within us and move away from social media/emails/blogs sometimes and make the most of the moment ?

  3. So beautifully stated…a wonderful image to evoke/feel at all times. Thank you for such wise words.

  4. Hi Eve thanks for your blog! Sogyal Rinpoche ( and others) say that our minds are spacious like the sky and that clouds float through , sometimes obscuring the view , but that always the wide spacious sky is there as the essential nature of mind. I love the sky too. Especially now as I’m travelling. It is such an amazing experiencing gazing out at the sky for hours on end as you flight travel …… nowhere else to go and nothing to do. An update from our travels….. We walked an Inca Trail this week. It was so beautiful and real hard work…… we walked SLOWLY for 3 days 10-12 hours each day ….. The altitude and steepness drawing me into complete presence and I soaked in visually all the beauty to gain energy. It’s the 1st time my mind has been that empty. I hope to bring home the feel of that and practice walking meditation throughout my days. Much love

    • Oh, Kate, you are so blessed to have this experience! I can here your gratitude being expressed for being able to have the Inca Trail, all of your travels and the wide sky!
      I’ll be excited to hear more from you when you return. Love, Eve


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