Eveyoga: Yesteryear and Today

Dec 7, 2015 | Age, Hip Surgery, XAging, Yoga practices | 4 comments

Celebrate a birthday or two with me

Eve yoga is where you’ll find the Yoga with Eve Grzybowski blog; on January 1st 2016, she will enjoy her sixth birthday. 

I want to share with you another birthday. Saturday I turned 71 years old. To celebrate, I thought I’d show you a few yoga pics from the distant past, not-so-distant past, and the present. 

I dug through stacks of old photos from 1980 to present day to find this selection. My albums include pics of some of my old students, as well. Yogis from The Australian School of Yoga, Sydney Yoga Centre, Simply Yoga, The Yoga Shed, and from workshops, teacher trainings and conferences. One day I’ll post some of these here, too.

Yesteryear and Today Yoga Galley

Parsva bakasana

Parsva Bakasana 1988

Bakasana 2015

Bakasana 2015


Upavistha Konasana, SYC 1988

Parsva upavistha konasana

Parsva Upavistha Konasana


Baddha Hasta Sirasana, Sydney Yoga Centre 1989

Baddha hasta sirsasana

Baddha Hasta Sirsasana 2015

Ekapada raja kapotasana prep. 1980

Ekapada Raja Kapotasana preparation, California 1980

Evescan 2

Ekapada Viparita Dandasana Body Mind Spirit Festival 1989

Ekapada viparita dandasana 2015

Ekapada Viparita Dandasana 2015


Padma Mayurasana, Iyengar Conference 1990


Padmasana 1989

Liveyogalife padmasana

LiveYogaLife Padmasana 2009

Padmasana in pincha mayurasana

Padmasana in Pincha Mayurasana, Simply Yoga website 2002

Urdhva uttanasana (with attitude)

Urdhva Uttanasana (with attitude) Simply Yoga website 2002


Vatayasana Australian Yoga Life cover 2008

Vayasana 201

Vatayasana 2015

Urdhva dhanurasana at sculptures by the sea

Urdhva Dhanurasana at Sculptures by the Sea 2013

Sirsasana parivrtta upavistha konasana saltwater beach 2013

Sirsasana Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana Saltwater Beach 2013


Palm tree pose 2013

Palm Tree Pose, Mitchells Island 2013

These days I’m less inclined to work on ‘advanced poses’ in my daily practice. I aspire to the more reflective practices. I find pranayama, meditation and yoga nidra challenging in their own right. A well-rounded routine of poses is still the mainstay of my practice. This isn’t anything I decided on; it’s just been a matter of going along with the momentum of my age and stage of life.

It doesn’t mean I don’t flirt with all of the above poses. But having two artificial hips makes me pay acute attention to signals from my body… which is good yoga practice. For any age.

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  1. gorgeous pics Eve your an inspiration xx

  2. Loved seeing the old photos with the new beside them. Another year certainly doesn’t seem to have taken anything away from your practice. Happy Birthday xx

  3. Lovely to see the then and now. To see ease in the postures of now is so beautiful. An inspiration and lesson to listen to the body and truly be with your practice where ever you are at this stage in your life. Happy Birthday!

  4. Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing. Love the grace and poise with which you are now doing those complex poses. Double hip replacement. What double hip replacement?
    Oh, and any advise for recently operated on wrists? Tendonitis.
    Take care


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