I admire those disciplined yogis and yoginis who arise at 4 or 5 in the morning to do their practice – rain or shine, day in, day out, and year after year. I used to be more that way inclined myself. I’m every bit as committed to yoga practice, but at my stage and age in life also more willing to be flexible about how and when I do it.
As Daniel and I wend our way through the United States and Canada visiting family, making new friends, and seeing wonders of the world (yesterday Niagra Falls), practicing yoga postures and meditating have taken a back seat.
Yet my body and soul need these practices more than ever as we’re traveling for hours each day.
Here are a few of the recovery poses I have managed to design for myself and Daniel. They are pretty darn good medicine until we find our way back to the Mitchell’s Island Yoga Shed in a few weeks. And, they can be done in a small space where your only props are a bed, a couch or chair, and some pillows.