It'll be January soon. Time to create your Yoga resolutions!

Dec 17, 2013 | Dharana, Mindfulness Meditation, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Yoga practices, Yoga teaching  | 0 comments


I love yoga and I love my yoga practice.

I often hear from people that they would like to be able to do home practice but somehow they never quite get there. Maybe this describes your experience. You might have bought all the yoga gear, dvd’s, YogaAnywhere practice cards, books, but ended cup only doing self-practice for a short time. Then, having had all the best intentions, for whatever reason, you simply stop.

We all know that January is The Month of Good Intentions, so we’ve created a special week of early morning classes to help give you a leg up in doing your own practice.

Who is we? Michael Hollingworth, who works as a coach and trainer, will instruct in mindfulness meditation. Together we will teach asanas, pranayama, and meditation. The intention is to support you in being able to do regular home practice when the course finishes.

If you live within travelling distance to Mitchells Island, we’d love to have you join us.  There are still places available.  Wherever you live, we wish you a mindful and exciting New Year.


January 2014 Intensive


Led by Eve Grzybowski & Michael Hollingworth

Monday Jan 6 to Saturday Jan 11  7 am – 8:45 am

This course will cover postures, breathing, mindfulness meditation, relaxation and some discussion.

Theme:     Taking Yoga and Meditation into your everyday life

Cost:      $95.00

 Location: 2 Scotts Rd. Mitchells Island

Phone:  Eve  –    0414 555 881

            Michael – 0409 558 199



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