A Sutra a Day: I-18 – Busy Doing Nothing

Jun 3, 2012 | Philosophy, Wisdom, XSutras, Yoga practices, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Yoga Therapy | 2 comments

Sitting by the fire on a wet Sunday afternoon, I’m glad for the portability of this iPad that lets me communicate to the world in comfort wherever I like.
It’s a quiet winter day here on our Mitchells Island property. Perhaps as a consequence of the peace all around – i.e., the phone hasn’t rung, there’s no music playing, Daniel is at his desk doing our books – my head is empty of anecdotes or wisdom to share.
Part of me is mentally leaning towards Byron Bay where the Yoga Therapy course is just kicking off today. My teaching sessions are included midweek so you can imagine there’s been much planning happening in my backyard.
We all have our characteristic mental tendencies and mine is definitely towards planning. Others incline more towards remembering or figuring things out. The latter would be Daniel’s default position, I would say – he even gets paid for it.
What is the hypnotic pull that takes us away from the present – even mature yogis who should know better? Lack of mental training, I would say, or even having being present the highest priority.
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We are told by Patanjali in the Sutra that when the mind rises to the state of yoga and remains so, “The usual mental disturbances are absent. However memories of the past continue.”*
Viramapratyaya abhyasapurvah samskarah anya
Patanjali’s Yogasutras, translation and commentary by T.K.V. Desikachar


  1. Envy takes me away from the present. Like looking at a picture of our fireplace, especially when I notice that it’s 14 in winter Taree and 11 in summer Nanaimo.

    • Oh, Rick, you can’t live everywhere 😉
      Overnight the weather changed, the showery pattern disappeared and the temperature plummeted. I had to rub my eyes when I saw that Taree had had 2 degrees (apparent temperature) early this morning.
      Stay put!


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