Physical Freedom

Feb 15, 2012 | Healing, Hip Surgery, XHip, Yoga Therapy | 0 comments

- physical freedom


Tomorrow is a 2 year anniversary of my release from Hunters Hill Private Hospital where I did 12 days of rehabilitation after my double hip replacement surgery.
On my return home, my husband Daniel made a great video clip of my walking up the stairway without needing to use a stick. He put some backing music to it – Patsy Kline’s Walking After Midnight –  and stuck it up on the Internet as a YouTube video.
I tell people now that if anyone is having qualms about the surgery, they needn’t. Just get a great surgeon, do the rehab with the physios afterwards, and day-by-day, health and fitness will come back.
I feel grateful now to be able to do so many activities again that had gotten eroded before the surgery. I’m able to teach and practice yoga, garden, cycle, go bush walking, and I’m completely free from pain. I’m thankful that the technology exists to end the suffering of hip arthritis, and that I was able to avail myself of it.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

Update: I found the YouTube video (funny how you can lose track of these things).  It’s here: (  While you’re there you might want to have a look at our video of the Cattleroo, or either of Daniel’s weird videos at


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