There’s been trouble in the yoga world. First with Lululemon, the swish yoga gear outfitters. Then along came the stories of how yoga can wreck your body in the NY Times. And recently, we’ve read of scandalous tales sticking to the founder of Anasura Yoga, dubbed “the fastest growing style of yoga in the world.” Who’s to know the full extent of all these stories? We do love a little goss to complement our post-yoga practice chai lattes, though, don’t we? If there were a huge scale – picture Lady Justice’s – to weigh the good stuff people say about yoga against the negative things that are said, it would have to tip heavily to the positive side. There’s scarcely a day that goes by that I don’t feel grateful for my yoga practice and hear or read similar comments from people I know. So, no doubt yoga will survive the recent storms and will probably continue to thrive. If you want to know what all the fuss is about regarding “how yoga will wreck you”, check out the first reviews coming out about William J. Broad’s, The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards.
Hi Emily,
Lululemon came into prominent news last year when the CEO of the company was being criticised for the injection of Ayn Rand quotes into its merchandising. Many yogis in North American didn’t like the politics he represented which also espoused the Tea Party element in the U.S. Since then the CEO has stepped down. Here’s a link from January:
Kind regards,
Can you go into more detail? Why is lululemon a problem for example?
Hi Emily,
Lululemon came into prominent news last year when the CEO of the company was being criticised for the injection of Ayn Rand quotes into its merchandising. Many yogis in North American didn’t like the politics he represented which also espoused the Tea Party element in the U.S. Since then the CEO has stepped down. Here’s a link from January:
Kind regards,