The Gift That Keeps Giving

Feb 2, 2011 | Anatomy, Hip Surgery, XHip, Yoga practices, Yoga teaching  | 4 comments

Imagine if Beethoven had had his hearing restored and he actually heard his magnificent Ninth Symphony as he conducted it at his Austrian premier. Because of hearing nothing, he wept.
Or imagine if the incredibly prolific Pierre-Auguste Renoir had not been severely crippled by arthritis and wheel chair-bound what his contribution to painting and sculpture might have been.
On February 1st, 2010, my orthopedic surgeon replaced my osteoarthritic hips with 2 shiny ceramic & titanium ones. It’s taken time and dedication to yoga and other exercise, but I’ve restored much of my former mobility. To the point of being able to start teaching yoga again. For me it’s an absolute miracle to have brand new hips and a new lease on my passion – practising and teaching yoga. Here’s a photo of me in rehab last year:

- the gift that keeps giving

Feb. '10

And, here’s some photos from today:
- the gift that keeps giving

Urdvha Dhanurasana

- the gift that keeps giving

Preparation for Headstand Dropback

- the gift that keeps giving

Pincha Mayurasana

This last one, I don’t recommend, butI couldn’t help myself. I look appropriately worried 😉
- the gift that keeps giving



  1. What a difference a year makes – truly a testimony to your personal dedication, stamina and perseverance in working with the excellent tools of yoga to regain and rebuild the body.
    I am amazed and can only say wonderful and weldone.
    It all starts in the mind though….

    • Thanks, Emma. You’re right about how important the mind is in the process of rehabilitating – even more important is the Spirit! XO E

  2. I feel the same! I had a total right hip rpelacement on June 21st, summer solstice 2010 and now feeling strong and flexible again. I was back teaching pilates at the end of September but it was really in the last weeks of Decemeber into January 2011 that I really began to feel flexibiblty and strength really good. I did the Niadance white belt intensive training in London in December and although I found hard going and tiring (maybe a bit too soon but I wanted to seize the oppoertunity that arose!) I feel that it contributed to my rehabilitation.

    • Great to hear you’re doing so well, Lin. In the beginning, it seems like rehabilitation process is so much effort, and then suddenly the healing process just takes over naturally. Cheers, E


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