Extracurricular Yoga

Oct 30, 2010 | Humour, Yoga practices, Yoga teaching  | 1 comment

A woman called today and wanted some information about yoga for ageing. Why me? Two reasons, I guess. I’ve advertised I’m teaching a workshop on “Working with Older Yoga Students” and I am older.
The caller said she had been a yoga teacher and stopped teaching because she was too old to be bending in all sorts of positions. How old? Sixty-two. I said, “Well, yoga is more than doing postures.” “I know that,” she replied.
It’s so much more that I don’t know even know it all. Do you feel that way?
Today I set an intention to practice more than the postures, more than pranayama and meditation. I invited Daniel to bed for a cuddle; and I called a friend with whom I’ve been out of touch, just to chat. Little things.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s Yoga Extras. Stay posted.

- extracurricular yoga

Art Cow

1 Comment

  1. cuddles are great ways of practicing yoga 🙂


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