Yoga with

Eve Grzybowski

I've been teaching yoga since 1980.  A lot of my identity is tied up with being a yoga teacher.  What does that mean?  What should that mean? On this site I explore my personal journey and provide commentary on the state of yoga in the twenty-first century. I invite you to have a look and see what may be here for you.

Photo by: Julie Slavin Photography, Old Bar

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Featured videos from my YouTube channel

I've been adding meditations, short instructional video and an ever-growing selection of complete yoga classes.  Click on any of these below videos to view them directly.  Or click on the button below to explore the entire channel.

Access all videos by clicking on any of these buttons. 

Current Post

Don’t Wrestle with Stress, Do Restful Yoga

Restful yoga image with a woman lying on bolster with blankets and foam blocks.

On questionnaires that ask for me for my occupation, I write in 'semi-retired'. That's the shorthand I use to describe that I work sometimes teaching yoga. At other times, I participate in various kinds of recreation, such as singing or tennis. I study a bit, and I also volunteer in the community in Palliative Care.

Though semi-retired, I haven't cut back on my yoga practice. That's just as well as I'm busier than I ever was when I worked full-time. This seems to be a common feature of those who profess to being semi-retired.

From time to time, I wear myself out completely.

Whether we are still in the workforce or not, many of us suffer from living life at a frenetic pace. Life gets fired at us point blank and we just have to deal with what comes our way. Unfortunately we often respond in a style that doesn't allow for the optimum care of our bodies and minds. But we are fortunate to have tools like restorative and restful yoga, therapeutic yoga and mindfulness meditation to deal with an increasingly complicated and stressful world.

I live in a semi-rural area, and as much as I love it, having four acres to look after takes hard work. We have to maintain established decorative and vegetable gardens--watering and mulching. Then, there is the never-ending occupation called weeding. Because I end up having to lift and carry, from time to time I end up with a strained shoulder blade/rotator cuff. That part of my anatomy seems to be my nemesis. Instead of doing a dynamic practice when I have a sore shoulder, I'll do a more nurturing yoga practice.

Here's a pdf for a restful yoga practice that I've created for these times. The poses are all done lying down. They will alternately stretch, twist and relax you.

Give the practice a go and let me know if it works for you!

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Don’t Wrestle with Stress, Do Restful Yoga

On questionnaires that ask for me for my occupation, I write in ‘semi-retired’. That’s shorthand to describe that I work sometimes. At other times, I participate in various kinds of recreation, such as singing or tennis. I study a bit, and I also volunteer in the community in Palliative Care.

Though semi-retired, I haven’t cut back on my yoga practice. That’s just as well as I’m busier than I ever was when I worked full-time. This seems to be a common feature of those who profess to being semi-retired.

From time to time, I wear myself out completely.

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It's been out of print for 15 or more years but now it's back.  It's available as a paperback as well as a range of digital formats for different devices.  The design of this edition is modelled as closely as possible on the original release from 1997.

Electronic versions:

Paperback version:

(Note: Book retailers set their own prices that are all different and constantly change.  It's worth shopping around for the best price.)

Any bookshop, whether online or bricks and mortar, can order copies of Teach Yourself Yoga.  Just ask and quote ISBN: 978-0-6487945-0-9.

Please send me feedback about the book.  I'd love to hear about any errors or problems with eBooks on various devices.  And please review the book wherever you get it.  Reviews will help more people discover the book.

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Classes and Workshops

I'm currently teaching two weekly classes on the Mid-North Coast of New South Wales where I live. I also lead workshops here and in other parts of Australia.

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Visit the Vault!

I've been regularly contributing to this blog since 2009.  There are now over 1250 posts about a very wide range of topics. Click here to explore.

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Yoga Resources

Books, videos, teachers, websites, places to buy really hot yoga clothes (kidding), and generally anything I find that I think others might find useful.

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A Bit About Eve

I've been teaching since I was 35. I'm now 76. In that time there have been a few changes. Click here if you want to find out a bit about my life.

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No, I'm not selling yoga mats or clothing.  I don't even have a t-shirt... yet.  But from time to time I find myself with something that someone may want.  Have a look, I'm never sure what you'll find.