I was so excited today by the output of our potato patch that I wanted to write something about it on this blog. However I couldn’t think of any relationship between growing potatoes and yoga.
So now, we’re going to make a leap and talk about couch potatoes.
Some people are attracted to yoga because they are not particularly athletic. They believe that yoga is an activity that will give them a soft landing when they finally get off the couch and onto the mat.
Don’t be fooled, though. There are gentle styles of yoga and there are rigorous, dynamic methods, so caveat emptor. Check out the field, and once you’ve made up your mind, go for it.
The main message is that exercise is good for you and is most beneficial when done regularly.
So, here are some ideas to help a newbie stay with the program.
Take a class that’s held on a Monday to make a good beginning for the week.
Do yoga regularly outside of classes, even if it’s a short routine. Don’t let your equivocating mind give you excuses.
If you find you are fatigued, try doing some restorative poses. Most people report that when they’ve done a few poses, they have more energy to do more.
Keep inspiring yourself. Look up yoga articles on the Net that relate to your life, buy a yoga book, sign up for a workshop, have a one-to-one session with your favourite teacher….
Don’t think you have to be perfect. Yoga is a chance for you to practice self-acceptance by acknowledging your limits and still striving to do your best.
If you feel pressured by not having enough time, look at your lifestyle and see whether you are really doing the activities that best serve you. Making time and space for yoga can be an investment in your future self.
Yoga is about right now. Do it in a way that has you notice how you can feel happy, calm, energetic in the moment. That can be more motivating than looking for improved hamstring flexibility or upper arm strength. Happiness and peace are available now.
tania Wilson
on November 22, 2011 at 12:51 pm
There is no better taste than home grown potatoes, simply steamed served with a sprinkle of salt, pepper and a big lump of good butter. I have to admit I am slightly jealous of your crop. My likening to yoga would be – put in the spade work and look at the wonderful results that eventuate. I am sure you will eat them mindfully.
There is no better taste than home grown potatoes, simply steamed served with a sprinkle of salt, pepper and a big lump of good butter. I have to admit I am slightly jealous of your crop. My likening to yoga would be – put in the spade work and look at the wonderful results that eventuate. I am sure you will eat them mindfully.
Hi Eve, can I be cheeky and make a connection between potatoes and Yoga? Your photo makes me ask, “Shouldn’t you be bending your knees more?” : )
makes me want to go digging… then serve up some herring. enjoy your bounty. love Karen