Workplace Woes

Mar 6, 2011 | Yoga Therapy | 0 comments

My friend asked for some yoga help for what has been diagnosed as RSI – repetitive strain injury, affecting her radial nerve and fingers. She works in an executive position and is under much stress from deadlines, lots of traveling and long periods at her computer.
Can yoga be of assistance? I think so, but keep in mind, prevention is easier than treatment. A regular yoga practice that deals with restrictions in the upper back, neck and shoulders will most likely keep you out of the physiotherapist’s or osteopath’s rooms.
So will designing your work station ergonomically. Consider your eyesight, too, if you wear glasses.  Typically your reading glasses are for 1/2 the distance you use them for when you are at your computer. Eye glass distance may lead to poor posture, with neck and upper back pain as a consequence.
Judy and I looked at a sequence of poses, which I will list below. It must be emphasised, however, that for the exercise program to help, a balance needs to be struck between active work in the poses and resting when there is inflammatory pain.
Here you go:
Sequence for RSI
Cat Pose
Dandasana, twist
Dhanurasana (bow pose)
Dwi Pada Pitham (also called setu bandha sarvangasana)

- Workplace Woes

Setu Bandhasana

Garudasana, arms only
Marichyasana, 3, 30-60 sec. each side
Modified Adho Mukha Svanasana (holding the sides of the seat of a chair)
Passive backbend over folded blanket under T4 – T5, 5-8 min.
Preparation for Pincha Mayurasana (forearm balance)
Preparation for Sirsasana (headstand)
- Workplace Woes


Sukhasana Twist (crossed legs) 30-60 sec. each side
Viparita Karani, 5-10 min.


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