Common Ground

Oct 24, 2010 | Gardening | 4 comments

It’s no accident that we’ve created our small intentional community that is our home on Mitchells Island. Something in me longed to be part of community for many years.
An old movie called “Witness, starring Harrison Ford (when he was still very dishy), had a scene in it where the Amish people raised a barn in no time at all because they worked together. I saw that movie 4 times and every time I watched it, I would cry when I saw the barn-raising scene.
Well, yesterday afternoon five of us “raised” our new garden. One hundred and eighty plants+ went into the ground that we had been preparing for many months. It us took about 4 man-and-woman-hours on a particularly hot, sunny spring day. A whole lot of happiness went into the work mainly because of the fun and joy our garden guru was having digging and directing. I don’t know how we would have done such a thorough job without Peter’s guidance.
Here’s a photo that I took at the end of the session:

- Common Ground

Spring Garden

After backbreaking work, we recovered in the Yoga Shed with a long Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The
Wall). We’ve bounced back.
Nature came to the party this afternoon with the most gentle rainfall you could imagine.
I feel so blessed!


  1. Looking good Eve – and you arranged the “rain from heaven” perfectly the day after … it will be great and yes, it was a good team effort. We can do anything together 🙂 Love Peter XX

    • Heather and I are convinced the Bad Hair Day plants have grown centimetres since Saturday. Is that possible? XO E.

  2. HI Eve,
    Your garden looks wonderful and if you get the rain Sydney has right now it will be fantastic. Nice to have you back on common ground. Tania

    • Thank you! I’m thrilled to have my feet on Aussie soil! XO E.


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