Back to School: Yoga

Jan 31, 2012 | Yoga practices, Yoga Sequences, Yoga teaching  | 0 comments

Some yoga studios’ classes have been off the menu for the month of January. In Australia, people behave in a very civilised way and go on holidays while the weather is accommodating and the days are long. Families get to hang out together while kids are still on their break, though most mums are relieved when the school year starts up again. At the end of January, and at the start of the school year, is a propitious time for budding yogis who have signed up for any 10-week yoga course. Many people will feel the clarion call after having slightly abused their bodies over an extended vacation period. And, many of these will feel so good as a result of just one yoga class that they will be encouraged to stay with the program and even sign on for another term. The people who get the most out of yoga are the ones who take on the challenge of doing home practice, even as beginners. A teacher worth her salt is the one who encourages her students to do a little practice at home. Can’t you just hear her saying, “It doesn’t matter how much- even 15 minutes of practice can be enough. Regularity is most important!” I wrote a book, Teach Yourself Yoga, with a beginner audience in mind. It includes a simple 12-week program that has the poses that are presented in a classroom course. Then, I went one better in terms of accessibility: the YogaAnywhere practice cards – a whole course in a 10-card pack – on sale in January for half price. 

- Back to School: Yoga

Yoga Basics – a ten week course.



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