Smooth as….

Jan 30, 2010 | Yoga practices, Yoga teaching  | 1 comment

The rocks in our local surf are rough and shiny, but I by the time I take them home they are dull, dull, dull.
Approximately four weeks of shaping, smoothing and polishing and the rocks are as pretty as gemstones. They actually have to lose a fair bit of their mass in my rock tumbler to finish up being satiny and attractive.
A number of years ago I heard a renowned yoga teacher say that it takes at least 12 years for a trainee to become a skilled teacher. I would sometimes repeat this notion to the trainees I instructed at Nature Care College. Some would be discouraged for a little while, but mostly they would be unflappable in the pursuit of their yoga studies.
I participated in John’s early morning class yesterday and so enjoyed his smooth and calm delivery. Excellence in yoga teaching doesn’t come from polished presentation skills. It comes from the dance between the steady effort one puts into one’s yoga practice and the grit served up in the rock tumbler of life.
The light that emanates from beautiful yoga teaching is a gift for any student receptive to it. The process a teacher has through to become worthy of the profeesion has been indoubtably bumpy and and circuitous but in the end it’s created space and clarity for the teacher as well.

1 Comment

  1. Is the village blog no longer???????? I miss the photos! Miss you too.
    Love from your little sis
    ps. just spent 4 days in NY. Had a grand time!


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