Yoga Therapy

Four Walls

Four Walls

“Four Walls”, if memory serves. Is a Cold Chisel song, maybe spawned from one of the band members who did time?
I’ve been spending time between four walls, one week in hospital, one week here in Rehab, with one more to go.
It’s not like I’m in prison. I’m grateful for the remarkably cheerful staff. All the facilities are clean and my small room is comfortable for my needs. […]

Swiish, swiish

There’s a particularly delicious sound that the in-line rollers of rollerblades create when you’re moving with a rhythmic stride. I’m sure it’s theta wave inspired like what happens when the sadhus chant “Ram, Ram, Ram” for hours on end. The potential problem here is that the blader can get hypnotized by the music of his feet and crash!
Today for the first time I learned to use crutches, practising walking with my new prosthetic hips. I’m a tiny bit embarrassed to say I experienced some of the exhilaration of my old blading days. […]


I noticed I was avoiding writing this post as it makes very real that I am beginning the surgery process. I’ll check in to the hospital in just an hour for pre-admission, with my bilateral hip surgery scheduled for tomorrow  morning.
My intention is to keep you posted 🙂 about what this process is like, especially from a yogini’s point of view. […]

The Crack in Everything

The Crack in Everything

One of Leonard Cohen’s most loved songs, “Anthem”, has the refrain:
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
I’m of the opinion that the song’s sentiment is so popular because we humans would like not to have try to be so perfect. A good idea. It looks good on paper. Sounds good when sexy old Leonard sings it. […]

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