I had to slide down a badly eroded slope to get onto Old Bar Beach today.
A few weeks ago the same spot had a defined path from the car park to the beach.
Where did it go? Compromised by all the recent rains and big tides, I guess.
Walking south along the beach, I had to skirt whole trees that had the dunes scooped out from under them. […]
Where we live
Polishing Will Take Patience
That’s pronounced Pah-lish, not Po-lish, like my surname.
On this perfectly wet post-solstice day, I retrieved my polished stones from the 4.5 week tumbling journey that they’ve been on.
Here’s the steps I took the stones through:
1. Picked pretty stones on beach
2. Took them home and washed them
3. Placed them in a rotary tumbler withcoarse silicon carbide grit
4. Turned on machine & tumbled for a week
5. Opened tumbler, washed grit, replaced with next finer grade of grit and ran for another week
6. […]
A Split Second
On the way home today from visiting Litchfield National Park, we hit a patch of the Stuart Highway where visibility had been wiped out because of smoke.
The firies were doing controlled burning of trees and shrubs next to the highway and then the wind came up. It got out of control quickly and when it did some cars and a bus going south collided in a six car pile-up.
We stopped, first of all because we couldn’t see well enough to drive, but also to help if needed. […]
I’ve been given my “discharge papers” from rehab for Thursday this week. The doc said I’d made excellent progress. I’m elated about going home.
What is so attractive about being there over being here? The grass is always greener, you say? Well, barring any droughts, that probably is true on Mitchells Island (home).
Mitchells Island is a very pretty slice of the midnorth coast comprised of about 50 square miles of rich river delta land. […]
Rough and Tumble
Our local beach at Manning Point is rough and tumble; the rips are rough and most days the tides will tumble you like a clothes dryers. That’s why it’s such a great place for rock collecting.
My very first visit there more than five years ago I was seduced by the variety of smooth stones and had to have them. […]
What else to call a creature only a little larger than your thumbnail? This one popped out of a pot to which I was transplanting a bamboo plant today. It was very lucky not to have been spliced in two by my spade.
When you think about it, it’s quite miraculous that tiny beings survive at all in nature. It’s such a bird-eat-frog world out there.
Frogs are a lot smarter than I thought, though. A little family of them lives in the circuit box on the side of the house. […]
Ganesha: God of Endings and Beginnings
New Year's Eve 2009 Ganesha, being the cool dude type of god he is, is sporting a Christmas beanie, at the same time as welcoming us into the Yoga Shed from his guardian position at the entrance. Revered for being the god of all beginnings and endings, Ganesha is the...