Refreshing Your Savasana

Refreshing Your Savasana

When I teach the yoga relaxation in winter’s chilly temperatures, I see students getting into their lying down positions, pulling socks and jumpers on, and wrapping themselves up in blankets as tight as mummies. Of course we want to keep warm but not at the risk of creating a tense and resistant position.
Here’s some guidelines for teachers to follow in giving their students the optimum set-up for a deep relaxation:
1. Use a folded blanket like a pillow to support the neck and head. Especially with lower backache or sciatica, use a bolster under the knees.
2. […]

Easter Renewal

Easter Renewal

Here’s a relaxation for your Easter break, a time when you hopefully
have a little more time to renew yourself.  You might want to record this “script” for your iPod or iPhone so you can make the words your own.
Relax your eyes and forehead. Allow the skin on your forehead to drop towards your eyes, your eyebrows release out to your temples, and the skin on your temples drop to the back of your skull. […]

Cultivating Calm

Cultivating Calm

This is a simple, effective version for restoring balance to the mind and body. I recommend that you record it to listen to. The Voice Memo Ap in an iPhone works very well for this purpose.
Lie down for Savasana with your head supported on a blanket, and a block longways between your shoulder blades. Your forehead should be slightly higher than your chin, and your chin a little higher than your chest.
Relax your eyes and let them look downward and inward. Let the movement of your eyes gradually come to a standstill. […]

What's Really Going On?

What's Really Going On?

Organise your yoga program to allow for a cool down in the 15 or 20 minute period just before savasana. This will give the most satisfactory relaxation.
An artfully designed sequence will segue from inversions to twists to forward stretches, then savasana. Along this carefully planned course of action, the practitioner releases any residual niggling or agitated sensations from the body to create a smooth transition into savasana.
You use the relaxation period to set your metabolism on an even keel. […]



I gave the group in this morning’s class a good physical workout. Towards the end of the 90 min. session, they lay down and relaxed. Sometimes I lead them through a progressive relaxation of their bodies, but today I thought I would be completely silent and give the students time to relax on their own.
Often what shows up against the background of quietude is how busy one’s mind is. […]

You're Hot, You're Sweaty & You Need to Relax!

You're Hot, You're Sweaty & You Need to Relax!

We all need to relax. Cyclones and flooding in Queensland, bush fires in Victoria, mega-snowstorms in the U.S., and insurrection in Egypt.
Even over here in peaceful Mitchells Island, this evening the neighbour’s dog monstered the gelding who got loose and ran all around our property. Daniel calmed the horse but the dog bailed me up till help arrived.

So, here’s an Eve Relaxation for you. Of course, it works best if you can put it down as an audio recording.
Lie down with your head and neck supported, arms and legs a comfortable distance apart. […]

Treasure Trove

Treasure Trove

(The photo has nothing to do with the content of this post, but is redolent of my rural setting, so I wanted to share it with you.)
Many friends of mine have parents who are either moving into aged care facilities or, sadly, have moved on to Another Plane. As a result, family homes need to be cleaned up, put on the market and sold. My friends complain how much work it is to sort out possessions amassed over a long life, especially when the relative has been a serious hoarder.
I don’t save stuff. I’m the opposite. […]