So Useful

So Useful

Are we meant to think of yoga as utilitarian?
Probably not, if you think of Classical Yoga, Patanjali’s yoga. He seems to recommend that we give ourselves to yoga to uncover our true selves.
That’s very different than me stumbling out to the Yoga Shed and doing yesterday’s Fatigue-fighting sequence so that I could feel energised afterwards. Or, as in this morning’s practice, doing abdominal strengthening yoga movements to tone my middle section. Which, unfortunately, following on the heels of The Amazing Meeting conference of last weekend,  has  increased slightly in girth  even as it lost muscularity. […]

Mind Stuff

There have been quite a few books published on the topic of doing yoga “off the mat”. Click here for an example. The idea is that we practice yoga on the mat with a certain philosophical approach in mind and we take what we learn into our everyday activities. So thus, yoga off the mat is informed by new wisdom.
Today, I was felt nicely chilled out from my early morning practice (despite very chilly winter temperatures outdoors). […]