
Yoga Teacher, Yoga Community and Technology

Yoga Teacher, Yoga Community and Technology

There have been many markers that show I’ve moved with technological advances, but none so compelling as the ones I’ve encountered in lockdown. Where would we be without the video communication apps that seem to have spread almost as rapidly as the Delta variant. 

While we were in last year, 2020, many of us were thinking/hoping that in 2021, we would be free. Back in offices, back in yoga studios, back in theatres, back in airplanes. But no. Here we are in Australia, and for the most part we are sheltering in place.

Old Dog, New Tricks

Old Dog, New Tricks

via Pinterest
I’ve been entertaining the notion for a while of relaunching my Yoga Suits Her blog with the above title, ‘Old Dog, New Tricks’. What I want to convey is the idea that I’m the Old Dog, and I’m still mentally and physically flexible enough to learn new skills.
After surveying a few friends and not meeting with resounding enthusiasm regarding my clever title, I abandoned the new name. […]

The Silent Centre in the Full Catastrophe

The Silent Centre in the Full Catastrophe

This week Daniel and I exercised our prerogative as retirees to take ourselves off to see an 11 a.m. movie – ‘Gravity’. This amazing film shows the actors, NASA astronauts, on a fix-it mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. Bio-medical engineer, Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock), and veteran astronaut, Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) get into dire trouble as the mission unfolds. […]

Phone a Friend (Now!)

Phone a Friend (Now!)

(Please be prepared for a little whinging in this post. With any luck we’ll end up commiserating.)
As a yogi, I try to maintain a state of equilibrium. One of the places where my inner calm is severely tested is when I phone a business and encounter a voice recording and have to make a selection from a menu. Whereas, in my ancestors’ past, the flight/fight reflex was provoked by real life danger, now all it takes for me to start to getting stressed is a choice of what number to press on my keypad. […]

Skeptical, Open and Receptive, or Somewhere In Between?

Skeptical, Open and Receptive, or Somewhere In Between?

I caught myself eavesdropping on a compelling conversation at the hairdresser’s this afternoon. In short, a woman was talking about having held a séance at her home where a few supernatural events occurred. For one thing, the table at which the group sat moved across the room.
I think your ears would have perked up, too. These days, with the proximity of our phone cameras, skeptics can demand photo proof, and, in fact, this woman had taken a pic of the displaced table. […]

Inconvenient Convenience

Inconvenient Convenience

I was talking on skype today to my sister who’s about 10 years older than I. There are any number of things in her life that she’s have trouble dealing with, one of them being bureaucracy. At her advanced age, she has to have more and more of these sorts of bureaucratic transactions, with health funds and inconvenient government departments.
I’m willing to listen to her complaints up to a certain point because I imagine myself in her place. […]

A Sutra a Day: IV-19 – Blinded by Science

Source: Uploaded by user via Sam on Pinterest

In studying today’s message from Patanjali (as below), it seemed to lend itself well to a phenomenon to which we all fall prey – even esteemed and supposedly detached scientists – so I decided to ask my husband in as a guest blogger to describe it. So here’s Daniel:
I found this definition of science on a website:

“Science is a way of understanding the world, not a mountain of facts. Before anyone can truly understand scientific information, they must know how science works. […]

The Amazing Meeting

The Amazing Meeting

I’ve spent 2.5 days in the company of 600 or so skeptics. They came from all around the world and gathered together at the Masonic Centre in Sydney to hear inspiring and interesting presenters speak on topics ranging from “Evidence Based Medicine” to “The Spread of Creationist Teaching in Schools”.
Skeptics are fighting the good fight in Australia. One of them pictured below, in her retirement, decided to take on some of the woo-woo practitioners that she ran across when she was battling cancer in 2003. […]


I am at this time heading to beautiful Lake Shasta to enjoy an idyllic few days on a houseboat.
I will probably be out of range synthesis lake, but the real reason for “off-line” is I’ve lost my iPhone.
Is my yogic equanimity being tested? You bet. […]

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