Next week I’ll be teaching in the Byron Yoga Therapy Course which I’ve had the honour of doing for the last four years.
What is yoga therapy? In one sense it’s a contradiction in terms because the basis of Patanjali’s meditation yoga is that an individual is whole and complete and doesn’t needing ‘fixing’. […]
A Sutra a Day: III-22 – Final Passage
Source: Uploaded by user via Candy on Pinterest
Have you ever done a 5Rhythms Dance session? I did several of them when I attended the Burning Man festival a couple of years ago.
What is it? […]
Social Media for Yoga
I’ve been in a big learning curve over the last few weeks. I thought I was doing pretty well, up until this point, to have more or less mastered almost-daily posts on “Yoga Suits Her”.
There’s no such thing as sitting back and watching the green beans grow down here on the farm. No sirree! The next thing I have to figure out is Twitter and Facebook.
Moreover I need to do new and different things with links, hashtags, @_, tiny-urls, contractions and more.
Why bother? I can hear some of you say.
Good question. […]
Rolling Stone
Yoga teachers sometimes veer from the straight and narrow (if in fact they have been on it) and I admit to having missed a day of practice. This is especially sad as I have been on the road, between Sydney and Mitchells Island. I’ll pun and say that the road certainly takes its toll on one’s body.
On the other hand, by being stuck in the car for many kilometres, Daniel and I have been able to listen to a good deal of an audiobook called Life by Keith Richards. […]
Just a Note…
If you received the previous post by email, you won’t have seen a sound player in the message. There are still two ways to listen to the recording. […]
Janu Sirsasana
Janu Sirsasana is sometimes called – perhaps somewhat optimistically – “head-to-knee” pose. It is a posture that I think of having a split personality, like the ancient Roman deity Janus, with two faces. Part forward bend and part lateral twist, these two movements don’t always want to go together harmoniously and can actually end up competing.
For instance, you really want to go forward over your extended leg, and so you turn slightly to go there, but one shoulder raises, the other drops, and you find yourself in twisted tension. […]