The global community of writers is growing by leaps and bounds because of the Internet and its darling child, social media. Everyone has a book in ’em, as they say, or an article, or at least a post.
I declared myself a writer in 1996 when I received an advance from Simon and Schuster Publishers to write Teach Yourself Yoga. I’d been journal writing from when I was a mere sprout, but with the launch of the book, I became a Published Author. Later, I joined the digital age with the publication of The Art of Adjustment as an e-book + audio.
I think I have another book in me, a memoir relating to my yoga life. I’m faltering as I write this because I may be held to account, and also because of the ubiquity of ‘confessional writing’.
Nevertheless, I’ve put my toe in the water with the publication of ‘Forty Years Later: Remembering How Yoga Saved My Life’ in the Elephant Journal today. Please have a look, share if you like, and (I think) I’m happy for feedback.