Sharing or Shmoozing?

Jul 1, 2012 | Community, Yoga Media | 0 comments

I’m taking a little break from the 196 threads of Patanjali’s sutra tapestry, of which to date I’ve teased out forty-one.
The spirit of this particular post is all about caring, sharing, and networking. Have you noticed that’s what makes the world go ’round these days? I jumped on this bandwagon some time ago in becoming a blogger. Since then, I’ve learned about tweeting, posting to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google plus, tumblr, and lots more.
Some of my social media education has come through my computer guru, Daniel, and other of it through Brook McCarthy. She’s a smart cookie in many ways and has been helpful in increasing my exposure in the yoga world and developing marketing strategies.
If you are unschooled in the realm of marketing and promotion and know you need to educate yourself, Brook’s workshops could be just the thing to help ground your understanding.
One other bit of sharing, I’ve just heard on the grapevine that Simply Yoga, the yoga studio I founded in Crows Nest and is now owned by John Norris, is moving along to a new home at the beginning of August – after 13 years in the same place!
It’s only a little move – 1st floor, Suite 101/4 Clarke Street, Crows Nest.
This leaves a beautiful space available at the old location on Willoughby Rd. If you know of anyone who is interested in having a look at a big, sunny (natural light), carpeted room, full of good vibrations from yoga practice over the years, then call Denise Cook on 94607091.


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