Desert Island Poses

Desert Island Poses

At present, I’m exactly 180 degrees direction from the happy sunshine of a desert island. I’m in Bellingen where the creeks and rivers are threatening to overrun, the rain is coming down horizontally at times, and the pastured cows are up to their thighs in grass.
Why would anyone go to the sodden eastern seaboard for a week smack in the midst of the worst flooding in years? To do a Writing Course, so I can be a better writer. […]

And now for something completely different…

I understand that you come to this blog with an expectation of inspiring words from Eve about Yoga, life, joy, magic, nature and more.  This post is different. It’s not written by Eve.  You may not consider it inspirational; many wouldn’t.
My name is Daniel and I want to share something with you.  And this is it:

I hope you enjoy it.  If you do please let Eve know.  And pass it around. […]


Sometimes yoga poses need to be flirted with for quite some time before coming anywhere near forming a relationship with them. Not that you are being frivolous but you just don’t want to get in too deeply at first; an oblique approach works well, rather than a full frontal attack.
This is a particularly useful philosophy for paschimottanasana, the double-legged forward stretch, especially when you are in the getting-to-know-you phase. And, this beginner-ish period could go on for some months or years depending on your anatomy or various tightnesses. […]

Yoga "Abs"

Yoga "Abs"

A question was raised recently about cultivating “core strength” (perhaps stimulated by wanting to lose those pesky kilos which inadvertently crept on over the holdays?).
I don’t think yogis used the term “core” very much until Pilates came along and made it such a focal point. Then, as there got to be more mention of the bandhas in yoga classes, it was natural to associate them with core strength. […]

Just a Note…

If you received the previous post by email, you won’t have seen a sound player in the message.  There are still two ways to listen to the recording. […]

Janu Sirsasana

Janu Sirsasana

Janu Sirsasana is sometimes called – perhaps somewhat optimistically –  “head-to-knee” pose. It is a posture that I think of having a split personality, like the ancient Roman deity Janus, with two faces. Part forward bend and part lateral twist, these two movements don’t always want to go together harmoniously and can actually end up competing.
For instance, you really want to go forward over your extended leg, and so you turn slightly to go there,  but one shoulder raises, the other drops, and you find yourself in twisted tension. […]



Lots of people ask me what the best thing is about having moved to the country. Maybe they are trying to build a case for doing the same?
Every time I get this question, I make it up. I don’t have a pat answer. I also don’t remember what I said the last time.
I know that sounds strange. It’s because describing what’s good about being here is almost beyond words. […]



“Enough is enough.” That is contentment. – Ram Dass
Doing forward stretches in your yoga practice is a great way to test your ability to balance effort and repose. If you are pushy, your mind will be agitated. If you are slack, you will be left feeling dull. […]

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

At this time of a brand new year, we are disposed to thinking of moving forward into 2011, into our lives, maybe into a healthier, happier lifestyle. On Dec. 31st we leave behind the old year and wake up into a fresh Jan. 1st.
Let’s take the family of yoga postures, forward bends, as a metaphor for going forward in a peaceful, simple way.
To be honest, forward bends can stir up a range of emotions from love to hate. […]



January 1st of last year I launched Yoga Suits Her.
Therefore it seems auspicious  (a word often applied to felicitous Indian things!) to re-launch today – Jan. 1, 2011.
I never realised when I started out e-musing that I would like doing it so much. To be able to stay in contact with friends and students through this medium, and even garner new yoga friends along the way, is a delight. […]