Stories to Inspire Your Inner Guru

Oct 21, 2011 | Community, Wisdom, Yoga Media, Yoga practices, Yoga teaching  | 1 comment

- stories to inspire your inner guru

Eve 1990 Yoga Conference

One reason we are drawn to and want to commit to yoga, I believe, is that we find the practitioners of this age-old art are inspiring to us.
In the yoga retreats I led outside of Sydney I’d reserve a time for the individuals participating in the weekend to introduce themselves to the group by telling who they were, what they did for a living and what their yoga experience was. There was a discernable difference between the veteran practitioners and those who were relative beginners in terms of their well-being and centeredness. The beginners could sense it and saw that yoga practice was something to aspire to.
Yoga Teacher Podcasts, brainchild of Bettina Mitchell, is a new website from which yogis can draw inspiration from well-known yoga teachers in Australia and New Zealand. Each down-loadable interview of a teacher gives insights into how yoga has shaped the teacher’s life, who their teachers have been, and how they have served their students and their communities.

I’ve been honoured to be among the first contributors
I invite you to down-load my interview, have a listen and enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the link Eve. What a terrific idea.
    With Love.


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