Basics of Back Care – 1

Oct 10, 2011 | Healing, Yoga practices, Yoga teaching , Yoga Therapy | 0 comments

Too often our backs cop it in one form or another: early morning stiffness, muscle soreness from gardening or sports, sleeping in an uncomfortable bed, even standing for long periods. These sorts of complaints may not be serious, but their effects can sometimes gradually increase discomfort enough over time that we start feeling we have a “bad back”.
When that happens, and providing there is no inflammation, a simple sequence of yoga poses can help get one’s back back on track.
Here’s one such program:
Ardha Jatara Parvatanasana, 20 breaths each side, and then repeated.

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Ardha Jatara Parvatanasana

Right Angle Pose, 1 minute.
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Right Angle Pose

Elbows On Chair, 1 minute.
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Chest Opener

Adho Mukha Svanasana, 1 minute.
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Adho Mukha Svanasana

Ekapada Raja Kapotasana – Lunge with Hip Opener, 30-60 seconds each side.
Block Pose (with bolster and blanket to support head and neck), 5-8 minutes.
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Block Pose

Chair Twist, 30-60 seconds each side, and repeated.
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Chair Twist

Always take Savasana for several minutes, even after a relatively short sequence like this, just to let your body consolidate what you’ve experienced. And, of course, to let go of any residual tensions.


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