
Jan 24, 2011 | Wisdom, Yoga practices, Yoga teaching  | 2 comments

- Attitude

Burmese Monk

There’s Attitude and attitude. The monk I snapped in a Burmese market was obviously not shy about being photographed and demonstrated plenty of Attitude.
Yoga practice is a place where one’s attitude (in Sanskrit “bhava”) shows up. Putting yourself on the yoga mat, you can observe various attitudes and work with them. Here are a few ways things to consider about your attitude while practicing.
Alignment. Instead of imagining the perfect yoga pose, attend to where your body is in space, how it lines up with gravity and how you are working with your own anatomy in the moment.
• Pushiness. Find the balance between under-working and over-working. When you’ve done your best and are content where you are, your mind will be quiet.
▪ Discipline. Make regular class attendance and yoga practice a priority. You’re creating positive habits that help the negative ones drop away.
▪ Energy. Notice your inner dialogue. If it is self-critical, it will sap your energy. Keep coming back to your body, your breath, what’s happening in the moment.
▪ Perspective. Look to the bigger picture. If you find your mind dull or your body fatigued on any given day, adapt your practice. Perhaps your lesson at these times is to practice acceptance.
▪ Perseverance. Remember the reasons why you do yoga. It’s the times when you have doubts, are unwell, or feeling down, and then you are still able to maintain your practice that will strengthen your self-esteem.
▪ Changing Attitudes. Notice the patterns that you bring to your practice and work with them. If you have a soft approach, you may need to apply more intensity. If you are at all aggressive, you may need to back right off.
Ultimately your yoga mat is a springboard for what you do outside the yoga studio – what your attitudes are at work, play and in relationships.


  1. Since I do Yoga on my own and not through a studio I have to really concentrate on the points you mentioned in this post. Attitude is key for me on my trainermat!
    Thanks for the insight!

    • It’s great that you have a home yoga practice, Ashley. Keep up your good attitude! Cheers, E


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