This Morning's Practice

Dec 3, 2010 | Healing, Health, Hip Surgery, Wisdom, Yoga practices | 0 comments

I stumbled out to the Yoga Shed this morning having had fewer hours sleep than I wanted. The reason? I was up late racing to finish “Nomad”, this month’s selection of our book club, which was scheduled to meet this afternoon. I have to admit I didn’t finish the book in time. However, I highly recommend it, mainly because of the courage of the author, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s a feminist, writer, lecturer and fearless critic of Islam. I will finish the book as a vote of support.
Fortunately I had a Fatigue-fighting Yoga Sequence up my sleeve. the practice of which, I’m happy to say, worked so well that my energy has not flagged all day.
What did I do? Reclining baddha konasana, supported forward bends, adho mukha svanasana, sirsasana, a backbend on the chair, supported sarvangasana and halasana, setu bandhasana with bolsters and blankets, and a cycle of leg-up-the-wall with splits, baddha konasana, sukhasana, and savasana. In approximately that order.
The only difficult part of this type of practice is yielding to it. Getting over the idea that one needs to do a work-out even though the body and mind are not up to it. I’ve been humbled over the last year by having to find practices that suit my condition instead of doing yoga by force of will. Looking back I needed some humility training. Looking forward it’s likely not to be finished. And that’s a good thing.


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