A Leg Up for Your Yoga Practice

Mar 2, 2012 | Yoga practices, Yoga Therapy | 0 comments

Almost as much as I love teaching yoga, I love inspiring students to do home practice.
My spirit soars when I hear that someone is gotten turned on enough to buy a yoga mat, remember the postures they learn in class, and even begin to bend the practices so that they make a good fit for their individual lifestyle.
The habit of practising yoga has such a huge momentum for me that it’s what gets me on the mat each morning (except Sundays!). I’m like a giant ocean liner plying the sea, and there’s not much that’s going to get me off course.
If you don’t have the deep groove of routine established, you might be like most people, you go in and out of periods of regular practice. If this is you, just be kind to yourself and keep coming back to your mat.
Some people are discouraged from doing home practice because they feel they don’t ‘know enough’. Even knowing a little and applying it is helpful. Because each of us possesses a body, mind and being that are complex, there will be never be an end to learning, no finality of knowing.
The practice of yoga creates some magic moments, whether they occur in classes or at home. My experience is that when you start to tap into the freedom, refreshment and exhilaration yoga provides, you become more and more enrolled in doing it – even after 20 or 30 years or more. You can be doing a pose you have done hundreds, maybe even thousands, of times before – and it can be a revelation, opening a whole new experience and understanding.
If you are a somewhat diffident practitioner or a beginner, I’ve created the YogaAnywhere practice sets to provide a basic, but structured guide on how to do 10 or 20 initial poses, plus suggestions and encouragement along the way. They were created to inspire people to get started – and to keep going. You’ll never know where you’ll end up 🙂
If you’re interested in the practice cards, contact me through ‘Yoga with Eve Grzybowski’ to purchase them.
- A Leg Up for Your Yoga Practice



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